CBSE and NCEAR collaborate for skill development in schools

CBSE is collaborating with different agencies to create opportunities for the students and teachers so that they can realize the standards as envisaged in the NEP. 

For a project on skill development in schools, the CBSE has collaborated with the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER).

NCEAR will suggest the appropriate course of action after undertaking a study. The framework for skilling in schools will be developed after analyzing the findings of the study.  

The two agencies have signed an MoU to this effect. 

The aforementioned study will be conducted in phases. In phase 1 of the study, the NCEAR will do a GAP analysis of the CBSE schools and chart out the skills that need to be focused on for the enhancement of the learning outcomes as per the NEP. In phase 2 the focus will be on the delineation of the steps of course correction and reinforcement of the best practices. The study will focus on the clear assessment of the objectives of skilling and making them realizable on the ground through relevant and context-specific strategies. 


Vinod Kakumanu

Vinod Kakumanu

Founder & Consultant - School Serv

Vinod Kakumanu heads a team of school services professionals and is an independent commentator on Indian school education scenario. Vinod has assisted school promoters establish 35+ schools besides providing ancillary services to over 1000 schools across India. He envisions a future where quality education is made available to every child of the country. The focus he places on the quality of the deliverables and customer satisfaction has made him renowned in the field of K-12 school education.

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