News letter

Monthly Newsletter | School-360-Editorial-July-2020 |

Dear Reader, 

I am glad to present before you the July 2020 edition of our school 360 Newsletter. 

The news, as was the case in the previous publication, is predominated by the ones centered on the corona virus epidemic and its ripple effects that are being seen in the school education sector.  

Besides the important news articles, we also have for you an exclusive interview of the Mr. Ganesh, Director, Chrysalis, the leading curriculum solution provider of the country. In the brief interview, he elaborates on how Chrysalis, as an organization, helping schools to educate children at home. 

The news items, in this edition, include the dilemma boards are facing in deciding whether to conduct the remaining 10th and 12th examinations, the parents’ and teachers’ opposition to the news of upcoming ban on online classes in certain states, protest against school fee hike, learning-outcome centered curriculum preparation roadmap by NCERT and the situation in Delhi concerning the re-opening of schools. 

I hope you will find the news articles and the interview section informative and I will look forward to your feedback.   


Keep yourself Safe and Healthy Dear Reader, 

I am glad to present before you the July 2020 edition of our school 360 Newsletter. 

The news, as was the case in the previous publication, is predominated by the ones centered on the corona virus epidemic and its ripple effects that are being seen in the school education sector.  

Besides the important news articles, we also have for you an exclusive interview of the Mr. Ganesh, Director, Chrysalis, the leading curriculum solution provider of the country. In the brief interview, he elaborates on how Chrysalis, as an organization, helping schools to educate children at home. 

The news items, in this edition, include the dilemma boards are facing in deciding whether to conduct the remaining 10th and 12th examinations, the parents’ and teachers’ opposition to the news of upcoming ban on online classes in certain states, protest against school fee hike, learning-outcome centered curriculum preparation roadmap by NCERT and the situation in Delhi concerning the re-opening of schools. 

I hope you will find the news articles and the interview section informative and I will look forward to your feedback.   


Keep yourself Safe and Healthy 

To Take, or not to Take the pending exams – the dilemma before class 10 and 12 CISCE students, Bombay HC also intervenes

The class 10 and 12 students of the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has been left with two option concerning assessment. The choice is that the student can either take the pending papers or consent to be assessed based on the pre-boards and internal assessments. 

As far as students of Bangalore are concerned there are takers on both sides.

The school management of several schools said that there is a substantial number of students who would like to sit in their pending exams. 

It has been reported by the media sources that the Principals of schools feel that the lockdown has given their students a lot of time to prepare and they are confident about performing much better than they did in their pre-boards, given a chance.

News letter
News letter
Mumbai sees protests against school fee hike, ban on online classes

Mumbai saw a spate of protests by parent groups on the issues of fee hike by a prominent school chain-- with six schools in Mumbai alone-- and the ban on online classes for primary and preschool children.

Parents have resorted to “protesting online”.

There are many instances in which the parents protested like Vibgyor International where parents protested over the online platform Zoom in connection with the school’s refusal to roll-back the hike in the fees.

There have been other modes of protests like the letter signing campaigns. It has been reported that around 400 parents of the students of Vibgyor International have become signatories to the letter, sent to the management which demands the hike in the fees to be rolled- back. 

Delhi Schools not to open until after July, Virtual Classes shall continue, micro-plans for reopening in the offing

As Delhi witnesses a worrying escalation of the Covid-19 situation, reports are streaming in that schools might not open even in July.

In all likelihood, the virtual classes are going to keep the children and the teachers busy once the summer break ends.

Virtual Teaching-Learning has found new dimensions since the lockdown was first announced in March. There are growing concerns among the observers that the digital divide that exists in India will exacerbate the logistical and operational difficulties of conducting schools online.

Around mid-June, all principals of Delhi schools were asked to come up with a “micro-plan” for reopening the schools by Education Minister Manish Sisodia. He explained the need 

News letter
Parents in Bangalore to set off an avalanche on twitter with 40,000 pro-online classes tweets

A total of 40,000 tweets were sent out by the parents and teachers to influence the decision of the state in favor of online classes. This unique band of Twitterati found sympathizers and supporters in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, where the ban on online classes was declared by the state governments

 In the first leg of the initiative on June 14th, parents from Bangalore sent out a 7000 tweets. The initial success propelled the parents and this twitter movement crossed state lines and the second leg of the movement began in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

 The states have imposed the ban on virtual classes in different degrees. While M.P. has banned online classes for the primary and pre-primary classes, Maharashtra has restricted live online classes up to 2nd standard. The permission for prerecorded videos still hangs in the balance.

CISCE asked to clarify its position on holding remaining exams by Bombay HC

Expressing concern over the safety of the students, the Bombay HC has demanded an expression of the state’s “clear” position concerning the holding of the ISC and ICSE pending exams. 

The court also asked the government if it is basing its position on how the situation unfolds—‘wait and watch’ approach.

The decision of the Home Ministry concerning the plea before the Allahabad High Court seeking the cancellation of exams rescheduled to be held in July, was also enquired about by the court.

It was announced by the board in May that it will conduct the pending exams from July 1st.

 The board’s position was the same for both classes 10 and 12—examinations for both in July.  

In another unprecedented declaration, on 15th June, the board had told the HC that the students will be given a choice

Learning outcome-centered MHRD’s Road Map for the new academic session 2020-21 released for NCERT

NCERT has been given a  learning outcome oriented road map for the next academic year by the MHRD.

The curriculum design, as per the directions of the ministry, has to be completed by the NCERT by October 2020 for classes 1 to 5 while the training of teachers for classes 6 to 12 has to be completed by June 2021.

 The School Education and Literacy Department of MHRD stated the aim of the redesigned road map is to achieve the motive of ‘Atma-nirbhar’ or ‘self-reliant’ India. 

The development of the resources will be essential to effectively implement the road map and to get the desired levels of learning outcomes. 

 "We will have to change the format and system of education in the coming times so that we can take education to every corner of the country. NCERT will complete this work through the roadmap being released today. We sincerely hope that in the way we have changed the Corona crisis period as an opportunity, in the same way, ...

Mr. Ganesh.
Director, Chrysalis

Q. How is Chrysalis helping the schools in adopting to the scenario created in the wake of Covid-19?

A. Chrysalis has always, in the 19 years of its existence in the education sector, responded to a situation rather than reacting to it. To help schools adapt to the scenario created by the Pandemic, we have launched our initiative called “Chrysalis Home”, which is based on the concept of creating the closest replica of an actual physical classroom on a virtual platform. It is helpful for the students and teachers equally and it involves the parents in the virtual schooling of the children. 

Chrysalis has evolved ways for it to be possible to have exchanges between the teachers and students on the virtual platform. There are lectures, live webinars and videos which are communicative are not one way downloading of information. Assignments can be uploaded, so can their responses, which are in some instances voice or pictorial responses. The teachers’ feedback is shared regularly on the platform enabling parents to monitor the performance and participation of their child in the class. Parents’ feedback is also invited vis-à-vis the progress children are making. 

We are regularly developing ways to enable the virtual classrooms feel and function like a “real-time classroom.” 80 percent of the Chrysalis-based schools have introduced our programmes fully and we are working our way up to reach a 100 percent mark.  

Q. How compatible has Chrysalis as a curriculum solution been with the entire virtual learning scenario?

A. Chrysalis is wholesome in its approach, it is not exclusively looking at it from the perspective of preventing the academic loss, that is foreseeable in case the lockdown of schools continues, but we are also concerned about the emotional and social wellbeing of children. 

We have emphasized the connect that needs to be maintained with the children in their formative years and we are trying to maximize that connect through our virtual platforms also. 

There was a “Home Engagement Plan” that was immediately launched after the lockdown was announced. It included things like age-appropriate worksheets for children informing them interactively about various subjects including the pandemic itself. For that we also launched “Coronapedia” that aimed to satisfy the children’s curiosity on the subject in a child-friendly manner. 

We are finding that children are responding quite well to the virtual learning platforms and are engaged actively in learning in the period which, under normal circumstances, would have been their vacations. 

We have ensured that children keep gaining academically by exploring various avenues on the virtual platforms and coming out with compatible solutions.  

Q. How are trainings and orientations for teachers being conducted by Chrysalis?

A. Online professional development programme for teachers is going on as well as the orientations and guidance for the virtual platforms are going on regularly, and we have  been able to keep up to the speed with which the things have escalated.

We have seen the growing trend of social media usage in the period and we have provided for solutions that provide maximum engagement for the children without distracting them. We have tried to prepare the teachers for that. And like I said earlier, emotional and social well –being of the child is also an aspect on which the teachers are oriented. 

The virtual classes has an special element of individuality to it, now the child is not seen as the member of a particular standard or class but seen as an individual learner. We have to prepare our teachers to respond that level of individualized teaching-learning.

Q. How are trainings and orientations for teachers being conducted by Chrysalis?

A. Online professional development programme for teachers is going on as well as the orientations and guidance for the virtual platforms are going on regularly, and we have  been able to keep up to the speed with which the things have escalated.

We have seen the growing trend of social media usage in the period and we have provided for solutions that provide maximum engagement for the children without distracting them. We have tried to prepare the teachers for that. And like I said earlier, emotional and social well –being of the child is also an aspect on which the teachers are oriented. 

The virtual classes has an special element of individuality to it, now the child is not seen as the member of a particular standard or class but seen as an individual learner. We have to prepare our teachers to respond that level of individualized teaching-learning.   

Q.  How do you see the advent of virtual learning effecting the gap between private and government schools?

A. I believe, if we are talking in terms of advantages and disadvantages, then the categorization should be as premium schools, budget schools and government schools. I think the schools with resources definitely have an advantage over the schools that run on marginal resources. 

The government is capable of taking steps in this direction. We have heard that certain state governments are planning to start a TV channel for school children, and that they are launching digital applications for the children to learn. Although, I am not sure how effective a one way TV channel or online material can help, as the element of interactivity is lost if we solely depend on these resources. 

I think, the schools that can prepare themselves best for the virtual education fast and explore possibilities will give the best learning outcomes.  

Editorial - School-360-Editorial-July-2020

A collaboration between Google India and NCERT to develop 'Digital Citizenship and Safety' course for schools announced

CBSE tables proposal for integrating arts into the school curriculum

The HRD Ministry reports 7% Of Classrooms in Indian Schools as Critically Dilapidated

School education’s biggest challenge is Teacher's Crisis In India

Trends that will shape the Primary Education landscape of India

Madras HC Grants Permission to Matriculation Schools to Conduct Special Classes in Summer

How Experts Reacted to the Congress' Election Promise to Bring School Education under State List?

CBSE circular that demanded students and staff information challenged in High Court

Schools cannot force non-NCERT, non-SCERT books on students in the name of “value addition”

Reopening of 4,000 schools likely in Rajasthan

Indian Army takes initiative in the interest of education of the children of the state of J&K

In a first, NCTE launces Teacher Training Programme with +2 minimum Qualification

Telengana—Discrepancy in the board examination results leads to student suicides

NCERT Led Review of NCF 2005 on the Cards

National Independent School Alliance questions the exclusion of the mention of Direct Benefit Transfer in the NEP draft

Amid Protests, clause of compulsory Hindi dropped from NEP

Question of Vacant RTE seats and Loss of School’s Revenue—case of Maharashtra

NEP declares XI and XII to be integral to Schools and not “Junior Colleges”

Kerala Government Appeals for the Case of School Unification

CBSE Practical’s will not be held in the Home-centers from year 2020

21 KV buildings are judged as unsafe to be housing schools, in an audit

India produces teachers in surplus but substandard ones abound

interviews for TGT aspirants in government-aided schools scrapped

Delhi schools’ happiness classes are busters of stress

Low attendance cases not to go unreported, CBSE seeks regular update from schools

CBSE to regulate class 9, 11 admissions of its affiliated schools

Omission of Early Childhood education in NEP draft draws criticism

System for Teacher Assessment set up in Odisha

CBSE Set to Change Question paper Pattern from 2020 Board Exams

Survey Highlights lapses in Security Standards in Bangalore Schools

Web Portal with Professors Database Launched

CBSE to tightly regulate change of subjects in class 10 and 12

Schools cannot have coaching classes run in their premises, says CBSE directive

CBSE directs schools to ensure error-free student registration in class 9 and 11

CBSE expresses reservations on the draft NEP’s recommendation for 24 subject multiple board exam

Delhi HC grants interim relief to EWS school students facing expulsion

Pilot for modernization of government schools in Srinagar launched

Hyderabad schools to use organic products under 'Swachh Vidyalaya' initiative

Digitizing Tabulation in Tamil Nadu to Do away With the Tedium of Teachers

Tripura becomes the first state to introduce centralized question papers for schools

An Aptitude Test ,'Tamanna' Developed by NCERT and CBSE for school students

AI in CBSE Schools to be Integrated with Multiple Subjects Across all Classes

Manuals Released for the Improvement of CBSE Schools

Delhi Govt. Directs Suspension of Outdoor Activities in Schools in the Wake of the Pollution Crisis

CBSE Completes 90 years, HRD to release coffee table book Chronicling them

President Says New Education Policy will Establish India as Knowledge Superpower

UNICEF foresees and warns of skill deficit in half of Indian students for 21st century jobs

Karnataka Government announces a month-long drive to check unaffiliated schools in the state

Failing two qualification exams would mean retirement for M.P. school teachers

CBSE Fee Hike announced to meet the 200 cr. CBSE board examination budget deficit

Handbooks for teachers and students released by CBSE

PM announces the Launch of Fit India Grading System for Schools

Evaluating the progress made in the decade in the arena of teacher-development

CBSE Appeals Schools to Become 'Anger-free Zones' for Children to get inspired

A look at important developments in school education in the decade

School Education Quality Index of Niti Aayog puts Delhi in third place among UTs

5 education trends to watch in 2020

State child right panel in Punjab issue notice in response to introduction of English medium in smart schools

Recitation of the preamble to the constitution is now a Saturday activity for the students in schools in M.P. and Maharashtra

Wards of the Armed Forces Personnel given more relaxations by the CBSE

The great reading bonanza with over 2 million participant children unfolds with ‘One Nation Reading Together'(ONRT) Event

Education Scenario and less-talked about national and international interventions

5 changes that the education system of the day demands

CBSE allows the use of calculators for children with special needs in class 10 and 12 exams

Saturday is now a No Bag Day in Government Schools in Rajasthan

Patna High Court stays the termination of the non-permanent teachers, decries the education system of Bihar

Hi-Tech IT Labs for English language instruction in Kerela Schools

Legal suit filed against Google for amassing students data in US

Maharashtra Assembly passes bill making Marathi a compulsory subject in the state

Extension of deadline for application of affiliation of schools announced by CBSE

CBSE, NCERT, NTA to design new academic calendars under HRD ministry directions in the wake of Covid-19 lockdown

CBSE still mulling over the matter of promotion of students

'Corona Studies Series' to be launched by the National Book Trust

Free Digital Learning App for Class 9, 10 Students launched by Haryana

UNICEF scales up support in 145 countries to marginalize disruption of education amid COVID-19

CBSE plans syllabus rationalization for class 9-12 after taking stock of the disruption caused by COVID-19 lockdown

In View of School Closure, CBSE affiliation May be extended by 1 year

NCERT takes up revision of Activities Calendar for classes 1-8 amid lockdown

States must look into the matters of School fee and teachers’ salaries—CBSE Advises

Overseas CBSE students granted exemption from class 10 and 12 exams

CBSE issued a circular clarifying its position regarding the board exams for 10 and 12 classes

Art-integrated curriculum, a new addition to CBSE curriculum with projects on ‘Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat’

Introduction of Vocational Courses for classes 9 and 11 on the cards in Himachal Pradesh

Enter COVID-19, foreign Universities offer IELTS relaxation and fee-waivers and much more to attract Indian students

Maharashtra might see phased reopening of schools from mid-June

Schools to reopen Zone-wise for classes 8 to12, green zones to take the lead, others would gradually follow

To Take, or not to Take the pending exams – the dilemma before class 10 and 12 CISCE students, Bombay HC also intervenes

Mumbai sees protests against school fee hike, ban on online classes

Delhi Schools not to open until after July, Virtual Classes shall continue, micro-plans for reopening in the offing

Parents in Bangalore to set off an avalanche on twitter with 40,000 pro-online classes tweets

CISCE asked to clarify its position on holding remaining exams by Bombay HC

Learning outcome-centered MHRD’s Road Map for the new academic session 2020-21 released for NCERT

Data from 170 private schools in Delhi gives a glimpse of the fee backlog

NCPCR report shows that 22% of the schools across 12 states run in dilapidated buildings

In the No Fee order aftermath, Private Schools in Gujarat suspend online classes

Google to Partner with CBSE and Train 1 Million Teachers Under 'Blended Learning’ initiative

HRD Ministry Issues Guidelines for Online Classes, Decides on the Cap on Duration

HC Extends the order passed for the schools in Punjab regarding fee collection to Haryana Schools

NEP 2020 Implementation—Ministry Of Education Invites Suggestions from Teachers and Principals

NIOS Advised to Increase Transparency and Reform Exam by Education Minister

CBSE Survey Findings Suggest Principals are in Favor of Staggered Reopening of Schools for Senior School Students

BYJU to Organize the Biggest Ever Virtual School Quiz Competition

Plea Against Salary Cuts of Private School Teachers Moved in Delhi High Court

Dry Food Items for Children Till Schools Reopen

National Education Policy 2020 | Introduction of the New Curriculum and Assessment Modalities to take effect from 2021-22

NCPCR Launches Tele Counselling Service for Children to Help them Cope with Covid-19

NEP 2020: 10 Nations Show Interest in Adopting India’s NEP into their Education Systems

Model Project for the Benefit of SC and ST Students Launched In Kerala

Tamil Nadu will not Employ Shift- Model for Schools that Reopen: Education Minister

With Unlock 4 underway, and Center’s issuance SOP for Schools’ reopening, states remain undecided

5 reasons why you should start using Vidura Digi today

Reopening of schools—KV and Navodayas propose reopening in November

COVID Aftermath--There may be a further reduction of CBSE and ICSE board syllabi

Digital Divide Highlighted by the ASER 2020

Reopening of school—Uttarakhand issues SOP for schools ahead of expected reopening

India ranks 6th most positive about teachers in the 35-country survey

Centre’s portal DIKSHA: Gujarat is first in ‘direct plays’ on online learning

CBSE Schools Gearing their class 12th Students up for Changed Exam Pattern

Andhra Pradesh Association of Private Schools appeal for governmental assistance for budget private schools

Merger of low-strength Schools in Odisha planned

Government schools in Srinagar to get ‘smart’

Delhi Directorate of Education Website will have approvals for fee hike uploaded

A Student Poll on CBSE 2021 Board Exams shows majority inclination towards deferment, some favour cancellation

Come 2021, Schools set to reopen for class 10 and 12 in Karnataka

Delhi may scrap nursery admissions for 2021-22, schools unlikely to open before July

CBSE Board Exams not to start until February end

The enrollment in US Public School Dwindles in the Wake of the Pandemic

Economically Weaker Section students are among the hardest hit in the course of the pandemic

Unaided private schools fear closure as a consequence of fee cutbacks and students moving to government schools

State Directive for Schools for 30% Fee Reduction in Karnataka for the academic year 2020-21

COVID-19 likely to have a bearing on the education budget thereby on NEP

Educations and Health Expert become votaries for reopening of classes for Primary students in Karnataka

Karnataka May See Schools Reopen for Classes 6 to 12 by January End

Delhi High Court Fines SDMC as the organization fails to requisition special educators in its schools

CBSE affiliation procedure to be restructured towards total digitalization

Civil Society Organization Protests the Omissions of New religions from Textbooks

2 Million Jharkhand Students of classes 1 to 7 may get promoted without examination this Academic Year

CBSE: Two levels of English and Sanskrit from 2021-22 session, Improvement exams under NEP 2020 Implementation

Union Education Minister Chairs IIT Council Meeting, implementation of NEP remains discussed

Private Schools organize Protest over Fee Cut Directive in Bangalore

UN Report Indicates Poor learning Outcomes of Children In school

New assessment framework for middle and secondary classes launched by CBSE

Findings on the adoption of Online Education in Government Schools in India

State’s Education Expenditure Per-Student has Risen in Delhi

Institutionalization of Virtual Model of Education May Be on the Cards in Delhi

Assam’s Initiatives for Incentivizing Girl’s Education are Unique and Innovative

PPP model for Opening New Sainik Schools Set Afloat

Delhi Govt. 'Education Mentoring Programme' for Effective Initiation of Girls in STEM Education and Careers

CBSE and CISCE Cancel 12th Boards

Chhattisgarh to offer Education Aid to students

‘MyNEP2020’ Portal launched for What’s In For Students National Council for Teacher Education

IB to Resort to the Non-Exam Route to Promote Students in India, Cancels Board Exams This Year

App for Nutritional choices for children launched by Chennai-based company

Union Government announces Monetary assistance for Children under Mid-Day Meal scheme

Leading in NEP implementation, Karnataka to introduce the four-year undergraduate program

CBSE and NCEAR collaborate for skill development in schools

Newly-affiliated CBSE schools disadvantaged by a technicality in class 10 scoring policy

New skill modules covering coding and data science introduced by CBSE, supported by Microsoft

Teacher Training for NEP objectives--CBSE and AICTE’s joint Innovation Ambassador Programme

Supreme Court Rejects the Pleas Challenging CBSE and CISCE Exam Cancellation and Alternative Assessment Policy

Top Private School Management May go To Delhi Govt. Over “Arbitrary Fee-Hike”

NIPUN Bharat for Foundational Literacy Launched

Bridge Course for Classes 2 to 10 launched by Maharashtra

NEP is the Guiding Philosophy says the Education Minister, Calls for its Fast-tracking

Protest Against the Assam’s Policy Mandating Govt Job Aspirants to take “Special Exams”

New National Curriculum Framework May Put an End to Heavy school Textbooks

Reopening Schools in India 2021

Launch of Key Initiatives of NEP 2020

Union Government launches ‘Virtual School’

Maharashtra Govt. Directed by Bombay HC Not to Act Against Private Schools over Fee-Issue

Delhi Government & IB Board Sign Agreement for New State Board

Fresh Guidelines Issued by DDMA

Delhi Govt’s Request to CBSE: Waive Exam Fees for Classes 10 and 12

Key Initiatives Launched by PM Modi during ‘Shikshak Parv 2021’

CBSE and CISCE gets Nod from BMC Education Dept. for Offline Exams

Karnataka HC Allows 15% Waiver on School Fees instead of 30% Mandated by Govt.

Severe Shortage of Teachers in Karnataka Govt Schools

NCERT and Tech Avant-Garde Sign Agreement to Strengthen Digital Transformation Skills in School Education

Veer Gatha Project of CBSE to Celebrate Gallantry Award Winners

Veer Gatha Project of CBSE to Celebrate Gallantry Award Winners

Calcutta HC directs Students to Pay Full Fees

‘Desh ke Mentors’ Programme launched by Delhi CM

‘Education at Doorstep’ Project to be Launched in Tamil Nadu Govt. Schools

Formation of National Steering Committee for Implementation of Nipun Bharat Mission

Due to Acute Shortage, Two Rounds of CET for Appointment of Govt. Teachers in Karnataka

Foreign Board Students Allowed Admission in CBSE Affiliated Schools Without Prior Approval of the Board

Latest Move by Kerala School Towards Gender Equity: Unisex Uniforms

Big News Announcement by CBSE For Board Exam Students

AP Chief Minister NEP Implementation in Andhra schools

Merger of Low Enrolment Schools in Karnataka

Assam A Laboratory for Mother Tongue Based Education

Rework on Syllabus as per NEP by ‘Mandate Group’

New Indian School Curriculum: First Look

CBSE and Meta Collaborate to Train Students and Teachers in AR and Digital Well-being

AIU Entrusted With ‘Equivalence’ SOP For Different Boards

MCQs Added to Semester 2 Exams of ICSE and ISC

Postcards to PM by Students Under ‘75 lakh Postcard Campaign’

Iconic Week Celebrated by Department of School Education and Literacy

Education Boards Urge Vaccination of Students Before Examinations Begin

Update on Board Examinations and Possibility of Cancellation

Pariksha Pe Charcha, Fifth Edition

International Conference of Academic Institutions On NEP 2020

CISCE Notice Regarding Enrolment to NCERT SWAYAM courses for Classes 11, 12

A New Subject ‘Happiness’ to be Introduced in MP Schools

Eleven New Schools of Specialised Excellence to Come Up in Delhi

Haryana Government’s Decision of Conducting Exams for Grades 5, 8 Opposed by CBSE, CISCE

New NCERT Chief: Professional Historians Free to Select Content Without Intervention

PIL to Cancel Board Exams Dismissed by the Supreme Court

Impetus on Digital learning: Education Budget 2022-23

First-of-its-kind Study by Education Ministry

Karnataka Government Issues Circular Making Uniforms Mandatory for SSLC Exams

Dharmendra Pradhan: Make PM’s ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ a Public Movement

HC Provides Relief to Class X Students of Karnataka’s Unaccredited Schools

Demand for Reduction in Weightage of CBSE Term-1 Results by Students

Defence Ministry Approves 21 New Sainik Schools

CBSE Rationalises Syllabus

Supreme Court: Children Should Not be Sent to School at a Very Young Age

MoU Signed Between Education Department and Infosys

NCF Mandate Document Released by the Union Education Minister

Safety Audits to be conducted by School Education Department Secretaries of All States and UTs: NCPCR

SC: Court Cannot be an Expert in the Field of Education

Sports-integrated Learning as Envisioned by NEP: Education Minister on National Sports Day

A New Regulation by the Government: Uniformity in Board Exam Scores

Study: Significant Post-Pandemic Learning Loss in Govt School Students

Launch of Delhi Virtual Model School (DMVS)

Delhi HC Pulls up CBSE for Changing Weightage Formula

Teachers’ Day 2022: Andhra Pradesh to hold Education Fest in all Schools

PM Announces PM-SHRI Scheme for 14,500 Schools

UNESCO Report: Use of AI in Education

School Education Programme of Rs 27,360 Crore Cleared by Cabinet

NCERT to get Deemed-to-be University Status

Dates and Pattern for CBSC board Exams 2022-23

No Compromise on Gender Justice: Kerala Education Minister

World Economic Forum Recommends Use of Digital Tools to Bridge Learning Gaps

New Syllabus Plan: No textbooks Till Age 6

Use of Mother Tongue in Foundational Education: NCF 2022

Football for Schools Programme: Ministry, FIFA, AIFF Sign MoU

Draft National Credit Framework (NCrF): Introduction of Credit System in Indian Schools

Expansion of Design Thinking and Innovation Courses in Schools

CBSE to Adopt New System from Academic Year 2023-24

FICCI Organizing Annual Conference on School Education

Government Schools in Kerala to Install Weather Stations

Very Few Schools Accredited in India: NABET

GISA- The First Worldwide Representative Body for Independent Education Sector Launched

An Initiative to Help 6 Lakh Children in India Learn to Read: Tie-up Between Piramal Foundation and Google

The Importance of UDISE+ in India’s Education System

Bhartiya Games to be Introduced in Schools

Metaverse in the Indian Education Sector

Singapore’s GSF to Invest USD 550 million in India’s Education Sector

TISS Joins Hands with Schools for Vocational Education

CBSE Board Exam Dates and Announcements

India’s First National Assessment Regulator - PARAKH

Education Department: Schools to inform Students about G20

Education Department: Align Ages for Class 1 to 6+

Education Budget 2023 - Highlights

“Beyond Classrooms” – Innovative Initiative in WB Schools

G20 Education Working Group Meetings in India

CBSE Directs Schools Not to Start the New Academic Session Before April 2023

Updated NCERT Textbooks Anticipated to be Implemented in 2024–2025

Schools Asked by CBSE to do Self-Assessment Against SQAA Framework

Dharmendra Pradhan: New NCERT Textbooks till Grade 5 to be Developed in 22 Indian Languages

National Curriculum Framework for Nursery to grade 2 Implemented by CBSE

News Reading Sessions Mandated in Government Schools

To Integrate Skilling into School Curriculum, India will Partner with Singapore

India Chapter of GISA Launched

Education Conclave on New Education Policy Organised by VisionIAS

12 Schools of Applied Learning to be Set Up by Delhi Government

More MCQs on Real-Life Situations and Competency for CBSE Board Exam 2024

NCF Working to Address ‘Fear of Mathematics’

CBSE schools registering with EPFO to benefit teachers, staff

NCF Draft 2023: What are the proposed changes?

Right School Setup To Foster A Learning Environment

What is SQAA and how does it work?

Delhi Education Minister launches report on arts curriculum for underserved students

Uttar Pradesh govt to open 10 new Sanskrit schools

UP schools to adopt revised NCERT books; No lessons on Mughal courts

UGC frames guidelines to start courses on Indian heritage to attract foreign students

Maharashtra State school education department to recruit 30,000 teachers

Andhra Pradesh govt to introduce AI and new technologies in govt schools' curriculum

Over 20,000 UP schools to get basic, cleanliness related infrastructure

85% Of India's School Dropouts Are From 11 States: Education Ministry

Madras HC Judge suggests inclusion of IPC and MV Act in school curriculum

Assam registers nearly 6% decline in school enrollment

TET Not Mandatory For Some Teachers: Madras HC

Maharashtra Schools To Teach Students About Millets

India Gifts 84 Vehicles To Nepal Health And Education Sectors

National Curriculum Framework to be Implemented from Academic Year 2024-25

IBO To Expand its Horizon In India: Ropes In 100 New Schools

Chandigarh And Punjab Top Performers In School Education: PGI Report 2021-22

States, UTs makes 6 Years Minimum Age For Class 1 Admission

Mandatory Learning of Kannada in the CBSE/ICSE Schools of Karnataka Challenged in the High Court

Deleted Portions of the School Textbooks Restored in Kerala

The Government Plans to Expand the International Board of CBSE

Growing Adoption of Storytelling in Schools

NCERTForms a Committee to Develop School Syllabi and Textbooks

The Need for Population Studies in Schools in the Contemporary Scenario

UGC Program Launch to Train Higher Education Teachers

Indian Schools among the Top 3 Finalists of World Best School Prizes 2023

Telangana Introduces French Language in State Welfare Schools

Meta collaborates with Education and Skill Development Ministries

IB Syllabus to be Introduced in Government Schools of AP

New Proposal on Teaching Hours by NCF 2023

Global Impact of Internationalisation of Higher Education

Groundbreaking State Education Achievement Survey to Cover 11 Million Students

Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity: New Norms Set by Education Ministry

APAAR: Student Identification with "One Nation, One ID"

Ministry of Education Unveils Guidelines to Prevent Self-Harm by Students

Powering Educational Transformation: 8 MOUs Signed Between MoE, MSDE and IBM

NCERT Panel Recommends- Replace ‘India’ with ‘Bharat’ in School Textbooks

Plans to Introduce Home-Based Schooling for Children with Special Needs by India

India and UAE Forge Educational Alliances to Strengthen Academic Collaboration

Karnataka's Visionary Leap: the Future-Focused State Education Policy

NSDC and OdinSchool Join Forces to Skill Indian Youth

CBSE to Launch PMKVY 4.0 under Skill Hub Initiative to Empower Students

Indian Students Selected For Sakura Science High School Programme in Japan

CBSE Unveils Class 10 and 12 Board Exam Dates for 2024

Skill India Programme Takes Root in School Education

NITI Aayog Report Highlights Enrollment Disparities in Primary Schools

CBSE Adopts Flexibility in Evaluation

Private Equity Reshapes the Landscape of Indian Education

Karnataka Government Plans to Introduce English-Medium Instruction in State Schools

ISRO Launches YUVIKA 2024

New Accreditation System Set to Elevate Indian Higher Education Institutions

ASER 2023 Unveils Educational Challenges and Pathways for Rural India's Youth

Vidya Samiksha Kendra Revolutionises Education Monitoring in Gujarat

Kerala Revives 'Water-Bell' System as Temperature Soars

Andhra Pradesh Showcases Educational Evolution on Republic Day Tableau

Jharkhand Government Schools Aims to Increase School Attendance with ‘Siti Bajao’ Initiative

Kerala Govt Breaks Ground by Embedding Preamble to Constitution in School Textbooks

ZP Schools in Aurangabad Strike a Chord with Musical Growth

Maharashtra Plans Stringent Control Over Private Kindergartens for Equality

50th RBVP Kicked Off in Pune

Zoho CEO Criticises Competitive Exam Pressure as "A Rat Race to Extinction”

COVA Peace Network Empowers Students Through Compassionate Citizenship Program

Maharashtra Implements Grading System to Ensure Quality Education

India Unveils First AI-Enabled Education Tablet

Comprehensive Framework for Early Childhood Education Unveiled

Holistic Progress Card by NCERT Revolutionises Student Assessment

Pilot for National Credit Framework Initiation by CBSE for Grades 6, 9, & 11

The Need for Personal Safety Education in Child Safety

4.5 Lakh Government School Students in Andhra Pradesh Take TOEFL Exam

Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan Advocates & Launches Mother Tongue Education

NCERT Introduces Interactive Textbooks for Class III

NCERT Warns Against Copyright Infringement of Textbook Content

English Becomes Optional for Classes 11-12 In Maharashtra Schools

Why Financial Literacy Should Start Early: 5 Reasons

The Need For Holistic Assessments in Classrooms

Effective Strategies for Efficiently Preparing for the New Academic Year

CBSE Secondary Curriculum 2024-25

Understanding the Relative Grading System of CBSE

The Impact of Kishori Clubs in Empowering Adolescent Girls

Digital Labs for Educational Innovation

Nationwide Campaign to Make Schools Tobacco-Free

CBSE Denies Reports of Inability to Conduct Biannual Board Exams

The Tamil Nadu Model of Education Reform

Kerala Schools to Introduce 'Bag-Free Days' to Student

Insights from School Principal on The Pros and Cons of Bagless Days

NCERT Recommends Inclusion of Marks from Classes 9-11 in Class 12 Report Card

Karnataka Regularises 101 Unauthorised Schools

UN Report Highlights Global Deficit in Physical Education for School Students

Education Ministry Launches Shiksha Saptah Campaign in Schools

CBSE Launches "Youth Ideathon 2024" for School Students

Karnataka Government Schools to Introduce English-Medium Sections Amidst Textbook Shortage

The Significance of Holistic Education in Today's World

NCERT Adds Patriotic Poem and Chapter on War Hero to Class 6 Curriculum

Karnataka SDMC Forum Urges Teachers' Day Celebration Without Declaring Holiday

Bengaluru Launches 21-Day Readathon in 47,000 Govt Schools

Educational Bus Initiative in Maharashtra Gains Attention

CBSE Mandates CCTV Surveillance for Board Exams by 2025

Celebrating World Teachers' Day on October 5

The Role of Sports In Academic Excellence

UP School Issued Notice for Alleged ‘Electric Chair’ Threats

CBSE Urges Accurate Data Submission for Student Registration

6,000 Delhi Students to Undergo Special Learning Programme

Global Education Recognition For 3 Indian Schools

Karnataka To Put A Stop To SSLC Grace Marks

Delhi Schools Introduce ‘Bagless Days’

Applications Open for Government Scholarships on NSP for 2024-2025

CBSE Instructs Schools to Update Names for Inclusion under PM SHRI Scheme

Karnataka to Introduce App-Based Attendance System in Schools

Karnataka Ranks Second in Primary Education Enrollment

Nursery Admissions: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

STREAM Labs To Soon Enhance Karnataka’s Government Schools

CBSE Class 10 and 12 Exams Datesheet Announced

CBSE Invites Applications for Single Girl Child Merit Scholarship 2024

Karnataka Launches Astronomy Access Initiative in Residential Schools