Monthly Newsletter | October 2019 | Volume 06
It’s a tale of thousand journeys and uncountable milestones, some of them demand celebration indeed. Completion of our 10 years journey is one such.
We are at a point where we feel a dash of pride in saying that our belief in bringing total organization, accountability and purpose to school consultancy operations has fructified beyond expectations. With a dedicated team of 35+ full time professionals, we are now the only K-12 lifecycle services company with such span of operations both in terms of projects and human capital.
With 40 schools on firm ground and 18 ongoing projects, we are now daring to touch the landscapes that have seemed out of bounds for entrepreneurs. Blazing the trail makes us ecstatic. The volume of our operations can be gauged by gazing at the figures, a 1000 Cr. capital entrusted under our consultancy so far.
The latitude of the services we offer is wide and touches 35000 schools across the county now.
Grounded in our core which is school set up, management and improvement services, our ancillary ed-tech services too came of age in previous years.
It is apt to say that we grew not just in the era of information technology but we grew with it, we saw it gradually pervading all walks of life and we employed it in our initiatives for maximum effect. Role of digital technology in our growth, though not exclusive, is very special to us. We have been frontrunners in providing digital solutions for every area of school management right form teacher recruitment to school real estate to school supplies and with the latest addition, a school management software a milestone of sorts has been reached in the quest of harnessing digital technology for the growth and flourish of the K-12 education sector.
Our initiatives are well received and we feel fortunate for every ounce of appreciation and every pint of criticism. With a hope that we will meet all expectations and pacify all criticisms, we march on…
The October Edition of the School 360 newsletter is presented before you. This month again there is news of NEP and its tabled provisions, this time it’s CBSE that has raised concerns over recommendations regarding the restructuring of the board exams. There also is news of some digital intervention in the K-12 education sector with digitization of tabulation of marks in the schools of Tamilnadu. The EWS students’ problems are in news from quarters none other than the national Capital and form Kashmir comes the news of infrastructure and academic standard improvement initiative, small in scale but given the current scenario, deserving of being shortlisted. Then there are news which pertain to the environmental initiative taken in the schools of Hyderabad and first –ever centralization of school examinations in Tripura.
Hope you all find the articles informative. If you have suggestions regarding our choice of news or you want us to direct our coverage in certain direction, please write to us. We value your feedback.
Happy Schooling !
Vinod Kakumanu
CBSE has voiced its concern over the recommendations made in the draft national education policy rooting for multiple board exams and inclusion of 24 subjects for the board exams. The NEP which is to come into effect since 2020 for next 20 years have made several provisions that have raised questions with regard to their feasibility or judgment, the three language formula, accreditation for private schools, the question of aanaganwadi (whether or not it should be under education department) are some of the prominent ones. The one that CBSE has expressed reservat...
In yet another instance of ambiguity highlighted in the provisions for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) in school education, a school in Delhi has instigated expulsion of 10 c...
25 government Schools in J&K will be developed on modern lines to enhance the learning outcomes. The schools have been identified for up gradation in infrastructure and technology.
The intention is to develop school into vibrant education hubs at par with the best schools in the region.
The 25 schools are chosen as pilot in which their infrastructure will be modernized and academic structure revamped. The process will start with the refurbishing of the buildings.
The schools are selected out of 52 government schools of the district. The selection was based on several parameters ...
Organic products will rule the roost in the craftrooms and labs in nearly 400 schools in Hyderabad. Students will now be allowed only to use organic products for their project work besides learning waste segregation practices inside the campus. They have made the resolution as a part of “Swachh Vidyalaya” event which took place in the city this month.
... Read more..Digitization of tabulation of marks in government schools in Tamil Nadu is being undertaken by the state government. The project stems from the realization that the inordinate amount of time teachers spent in evaluating the answer scripts rather than giving lectures in the class. The exercise will dramatically reduce the time for manual evaluation and give ti...
As the reasoning of the Education Minister goes, the introduction of a standard question paper for all schools will bring in uniformity in the conduct of the school examinations.
Over four thousand government and government-aided schools of Tripura have conducted first-ever half-yearly exams with a centralized question paper...