Education Minister Promises Stringent Measures After Question Paper Leak Allegations

Following recent allegations of question paper leaks, Kerala’s Education Minister V. Sivankutty announced plans to implement more stringent measures and modern technology for preparing question papers for term exams. He underlined the need to examine the practicality of these new measures, stating that leaking question papers is an injustice to students and those responsible will face legal consequences. He called on the community to help expose those undermining academic integrity.


Sivankutty traced the history of question paper preparation, noting that until the 1980s, schools were responsible for preparing internal exams. The entry of private agencies during that period turned the process into a business, leading to criticism. By the late 1990s, teachers under the guidance of assistant educational officers (AEOs) prepared and distributed question papers in several sub-districts. Centralised question paper preparation began in 2007, and following the Right to Education Act in 2008-09, the government started using Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) to provide free question papers to students.

The minister assured that the government will reform the examination system while ensuring the confidentiality and quality of exams are maintained.

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