An efficient school management values self-evaluation, introspection and unbiased interpretation of findings which are the critical factors that influence its efficiency.
In most cases, school promoters begin to acknowledge the deficiency in their school’s management after a pattern of attrition has already been established. Denial and explaining away low performance as a “cycle” or “transition effect” hurt the interest of the school seriously and in some cases, irreparably.
Resultantly, even after the assistance provided by the boards and educational and school certificate exam organizations, the school fail to provide quality education.
The disparity of educational outcomes among similar schools is connected to school management. It is so because management of the schools is related to the motivational levels of the students and teachers.
The results of training programmes are also not uniform among schools. There are obvious and not-so-obvious reasons for the disparity.
The obvious reasons shall include the lack of receptiveness of the trainee whoever it may be, the teachers, heads, and principals or the students. Increase the average receptiveness and the outcomes increase regardless of the group you are training.
Efficient school managers know how to increase the receptiveness. The first step to increase the receptiveness is to believe that it can be increased. There are a plethora of schools that have people in the management who scarcely believe that the teachers can really learn. The reason they usually cite is ‘lack of talent’ or “unwillingness”. The former they attribute to the unavailability of good teachers and the latter they believe can be improved by disciplinary actions. here lies the quandary, the higher-ups in the management do not believe in the abilities of the employees and it can be taken for granted, that in such scenario, employees have grievances which they are sure will never be addressed. In such a scenario, the incentive to improve remains non-existent. The competitive spirit that extracts performance out from the most unlikely of people is never present in the schools with inefficient school management.
Efficient school management emphasizes the bonhomie between the management and the employees, most importantly teachers and management. The expedient measures were taken in this direction improve the receptiveness of the employees and increase the training outcomes almost certainly. It improves the performance of the teachers, pushes the absenteeism down and obliterates unreasonable resistance or lobbying which in fact have no place in educational institutions.
Coming to the other factors influencing the learning outcomes, they are dependent upon the students’ receptiveness which in turn depends upon the teachers’ efficiency, motivation, and competitiveness.
The efficiency of the teachers is generally ensured through the uncompromised selection process, periodical training and well-monitored code of conduct. The receptiveness of the student is something which school management can ensure by instilling motivation, taking measures via teachers, counselors and special educators to garner a sense of belongingness but not at the expense of competitive spirit.
There are well-structured programs designed to give shape to the psyche of the children, adopting them helps significantly. Individual attention complements all the aforementioned measures.
Founder & Consultant - School Serv
Vinod Kakumanu heads a team of school services professionals and is an independent commentator on Indian school education scenario. Vinod has assisted school promoters establish 35+ schools besides providing ancillary services to over 1000 schools across India. He envisions a future where quality education is made available to every child of the country. The focus he places on the quality of the deliverables and customer satisfaction has made him renowned in the field of K-12 school education.
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