Search Results For : Teacher

Project Based Learning, Connecting Real Life with Theory

Education is a way to upgrade ourselves about various information that is available and develop skills and techniques to revolutionize the working of a society or a community. We provide education to children not only to get into good grade category but become a useful member who bring about a minus... Read More

Starting a School in Remote Areas – A Case Study

The STs have largely occupied remote areas of the country which remains a crucial challenge for its development. The distinctiveness that these people bring in is their lifestyle which makes them unique from the mainstream section. As per the 2011 census, the population of these communities was abou... Read More

Interactive Flat panels, the Most Recent Replacements for Traditional Blackboards

The technology has also diverted the classroom scenario from blackboards to smartboards which is a smart way to enhance student -teacher relationship. In the changing times, the smart or interactive classrooms are becoming the standard for quality education. The best thing is these boards come up wi... Read More

Pushing Multi-grade Classrooms in Learning Sector

It was developed in Mysore district in 1995 to revive the primary school practices. A group of 15 primary school teachers went to Rishi Valley to study about children in multi-grade classrooms. They observed about how these children are learning in this setup.... Read More

Alternate Schools - An Introduction

Alternative schooling may differ from the mainstream schooling in several ways. It can use non-traditional curriculum and pedagogical thoughts, it can experiment with non-traditional instructional models etc. The common theme that run across the alternative schooling models is that of customization ... Read More

EYFS- a Pre-grooming Session for Three to Five-year-old Children

The EYFS makes sure to provide children with healthy and safe learning environment. It advocates school readiness and gives children wider knowledge about developing skills for progress in the future.... Read More

A look at important developments in school education in the decade

As the decade nears its end, we try and look back to find out how these past years have contributed to the evolution of education in the country.... Read More

Anantha Lakshmi International School - A welcome addition to the educational scene of Anantapur

The southern part of India is relatively known for giving more emphasis on education which has exposed them to various learning avenues and they also have earned good reputation in terms of literacy. The state Andhra Pradesh constitutes a literacy rate of over 72% which makes it one of the most lite... Read More

School education in Proddatur undergoes a radical shift with International Delhi Public School

While seeing through our school project (IDPS) in Proddatur town in Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh, we familiarized ourselves with the scenario of school education in the region.... Read More

Whole Brain Teaching—Pedagogy to command total attention in the class

The common thread that runs across the educational philosophies and pedagogical techniques is the inherent idea that efficacy of the pedagogical technique should be judged by the magnitude of students’ receptiveness towards the material transmitted through the given technique.... Read More

The Three Language Policy—Antecedents and contemporary perspectives

The states in India were reorganized on linguistic basis. Education, it was realized has to have an element of uniformity for the idea of the Union of States to work, hence the national education boards. The states originally had, and continue to have a say in deciding the education policy.... Read More

11 Ways to Achieve Efficient Collaborative Learning Environment

There are numerous studies that point out to the fact that the environments built on collaborative learning accomplish better learning outcomes and the information that is attained in collaborative sessions is retained for a longer time. This is attributable to the fact that people learn better w... Read More

Seeing Lockdown in a new light—Self-study and Skill Building Resources

In the wake of COVID-19 lockdown, the schools across the country are closed and the examinations have been cancelled. State boards and the CBSE has announced that it will promote the students from class 1 to 8 without the examinations, academic calendars are being redesigned. The entire scenario see... Read More

Different Ways to Implement Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Classroom

Atechnique when followed stepwise, would increase the chances of learning process. The Bloom’s Taxonomy gives immense opportunities to adapt to the hierarchical methods of learning and is a benchmark for creating student learning outcomes.... Read More

Differential Learning—teaching students with different learning pace and styles

Classrooms are composed of students with varied learning profiles, diverse grasping abilities and different interests. Teachers have to come up with an approach which accommodates this diversity while imparting lessons. The approach is known as differentiated instruction and it is critical for creat... Read More

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning—learning outside classrooms

We know how technology has created a revolution in education. it has not only simplified the process of learning but has also given way for students to get hold of different kinds of learning. The online or digital experience has grown in popularity and accessibility; it can broadly be divided into ... Read More

Lockdown and digital education resources

An unprecedented situation has fallen upon us which has majorly altered our lives and work, and it has created a measure of disruption. During this time of contingency, we are completely dependent upon the digital devices to not get our work piled up and meet deadlines effectively. The educati... Read More

How COVID-19 can change the traditional classroom system?

A big wave of educational shift has hit most of the countries with the arrival of COVID -19 turning all classrooms into digital rooms. Since the lockdown, all students have turned into a virtual world to seek learning without losing the flow of studies. The preferred educational trend during this ph... Read More

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