Search Results For : In-School

Comparing CBSE and State Boards

The education sector in India is expanding and so is the choice of the students and their parents. The choice which is much deliberated upon is the one between the education boards. There are many options to choose from which are mainly, national boards (CBSE and CISCE), state boards that include al... Read More

Start Own Brand School or Franchise School?

School promoters can opt for two courses of actions to start a new school in India. First, establishing their own school and building own school brand and second, opting for a franchise from an established school brand.... Read More

Education Based on Multiple Intelligences

Schools known as Multiple Intelligence (MI) Schools are the schools that have adopted the pedagogy and curricular methodologies influenced by the Theory of Multiple Intelligences propounded by Dr. Howard Gardner, a Harvard educational psychologist. The ground breaking theory postulates that intellig... Read More

Don't Just Open a School, Start a School that is 'Smart'

Typical classrooms inspire a scene with rooms equipped with blackboards, pencils strewn around and stockpiled notebooks. With the advent of education technology, the picture is changing. Now, it is not a “far-fetched” or “futuristic” to picture a school where monitors, computers, laptops, tablets, a... Read More

Boost your real estate venture by starting a school

The real estate sector has a central role in planning and provisioning the necessary land, infrastructure for residential and commercial purposes. People face a host of challenges on their journey to start a school, the paucity of land being the biggest.... Read More

CSR Spending for Improvement of School Education

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contributions has been mandated by Government of India for all companies meeting specified financial thresholds. Certain areas of socioeconomic development have been specified as well, school education being one of them.... Read More

Use of CSR Budget to Improve Early Childhood Education in India

Educationists opine that elementary education plays a vital role in charting the development of an individual. Through preschools, children get exposure to the world around and develop an affinity for learning. Social statistics demonstrate that children who had the opportunity to complete elementar... Read More

Teacher Training and Learning Outcomes

There has been a lot of deliberation over the level of qualification and skills of teachers teaching across schools in India. Teacher training policies have been reviewed and commissions appointed to study and report on the scenario.... Read More

Accreditation of Schools Testifies Quality of School Education

The accreditation of schools is sometimes outsourced by the national boards including CBSE. These private institutions have, to the board’s satisfaction, the capability to assess a school in terms of quality of education it imparts.... Read More

How the schools can make parent's critique positive

No school provides “bad education or good education”, I personally believe every school starts with an intent to provide quality education. The philosophy, methodology, and infrastructure may vary with the founder’s vision.... Read More

Corporal Punishment in Schools and teacher culture

While going through Right to Education act one comes across a relatively less talked about the provision which is corporal punishment. I have tried to share information and insights on the subject in this article based not only on what the act itself states but also how it is perceived and to what e... Read More

How are parents selecting a school for their child?

It is hard to find a prototype of a perfect school in India. There are a host of factors that affect the efficiency and desirability of a school. Within the country, schools teaching the same curriculum... Read More

Sports and Health Period Made Mandatory by CBSE Board From 2018-19

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), in a bid to mainstream health and physical education in schools, has intervened elevating sports from a neglected extra-curricular activity level to a curricular standard.  Health and Physical Education (HPE), as the new subject is named is to be made a d... Read More

Containing Momo Challenge — CBSE Directive to Schools

In a recent development, the Central Board of Secondary Education has notified the affiliated schools to take measures against the proliferation of “Momo Challenge”—the most recent cyberbullying phenomenon. Parallels have been drawn between the Momo Challenge and Blue whale Challenge that predates i... Read More

Does change in CBSE bye laws affect affiliated schools?

Over the last week, there has been a volley of questions from the school management of CBSE affiliated schools we helped establish as well as management of upcoming CBSE schools. It is critical to bring clarity about the affects of the change in CBSE bye laws, hence this article.... Read More

Sports in Schools — how significant are they?

Schools began to get increasingly interested in sports and games. This, I am convinced, was the result of CBSE’s categorical directions regarding the induction of a regular sports period into the time table.... Read More

Top mistakes to avoid while starting a school in India?

The idea of starting a school is noble and at the same time it is a warranted social enterprise. It requires immense commitment and dedication of the school promoter or an educational entrepreneur... Read More

Do co-curricular activities complement learning outcomes?

We have discussed, assessed and compared contemporary curricula being taught in schools across the country in our earlier articles. We have also touched upon several co-curricular and extracurricular... Read More

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