Search Results For : Education

Artificial Intelligence to be introduced in CBSE Schools

Making the year 2018 eventful with changes that really altered the state of affairs, Central Board of Secondary Education is not seeming complacent.  Come January, the schools start applying... Read More

Is Coaching Different From Mentoring ?

Almost more than half of the teachers have been mentored at some point in their lives. Either when we were hired as a teacher, or when we were a new student in the class. Not many of us can say... Read More

PISA, A Programme Exclusively to Measure Cognitive Thinking in 15 year olds

Education has not only gained elevated standards in contemporary times but also has nuanced dimensions. Evidently, students as well as teachers are occupied in the process to make a shift from the traditional mode of learning.... Read More

How much do you charge for new school setup services?

Over the years, we have found that each new school project presents unique challenges and opportunities. Deliverables for each new school setup are also unique. 

Fee is calculated based on the nature of the project, tenure, specific deliverables and effort involved. We offer flexible charging models for the convenience of people aspiring to open new schools –


  • Per consulting day (6 hrs)
  • A Monthly fixed fee for the project duration
  • Revenue share
  • or a combination one or more models described above


You may visit our office to discuss project requirements with our school consultants, finalize scope of work and understand the fee applicable.

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