Search Results For : Teaching-Method

What is STEM EDUCATION in Indian School Scenario?

Dear Mr Kakumanu I have been in the teaching profession for 35 years now. I am very passionate about teaching and sharing science with teachers and students. I have been freelancing in organizing workshops for Science teachers in innovative methods of teaching Science. I would love to work for 'Sch... Read More

Education Based on Multiple Intelligences

Hello Sir, I am writing from Nagaland. I am looking forward to pen a pre school and is interested in adopting the Multiple Intelligence Methodology of teaching. Can u please guide me on how I can avail the Teachers Training for this method. Thank u ... Read More

Whole Brain Teaching—Pedagogy to command total attention in the class

The common thread that runs across the educational philosophies and pedagogical techniques is the inherent idea that efficacy of the pedagogical technique should be judged by the magnitude of students’ receptiveness towards the material transmitted through the given technique.... Read More

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