Search Results For : Study

Selecting Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) for Schools

Interactive whiteboard is a 21st century substitute to the black board is also known as smart board. It is a mediating technology useful in turning the class increasingly interactive. It is a significant addition to the learning environment and a defining feature of educational technology for classr... Read More

Policies to Enhance Quality in Government Sector

In a country, education is the foremost and dominant sector which needs proper emphasis for the growth of the nation. The government both central and state plays a significant role in looking after the quality of education which is being provided in all the educational institutions.... Read More

Robotic Education in Schools

We are moving towards an era when man- made machines are overpowering the lives of men.Several movies on robots were made depicting scenarios where equipment made by a man becomes a reason for his downfall. It is ironic that men get immersed in technology and create things to put it into his service... Read More

What are Montessori Schools?

Montessori education method places regard towards the child’s individuality at its center and promotes the independence of the child. Montessori schools are numerous as “Montessori” is not a registered trademark and it is possible to set up a school and call it Montessori school even if it doesn’t h... Read More

Schools must aim at developing 21st Century Skills

Century, the era of advanced digitalization where almost every single business, project, education has come on internet. This is the time where internet proved as the game changer and gave a boost to the technology.... Read More

K-12 School Education Scenario in Rural India

Education in rural India has always been a great subject of discussion and we like bringing it into the light such that we eliminate the problems around us and make this society a better place for learners.... Read More

How is India beating gender inequality through girls’ education

With gender equality being considered as a sine qua non for attainment of the development goals, the urgency attached to the question of girls’ education in India and across the world is gaining importance. Gender roles have substantially shifted but it can hardly be contested that opportunities for... Read More

A collaboration between Google India and NCERT to develop 'Digital Citizenship and Safety' course for schools announced

A course on “Digital Citizenship and Safety” in the curriculum of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will be introduced from class 1 to 12 and will span over 14 lakh schools across the nation.... Read More

Delhi High Court Fines SDMC as the organization fails to requisition special educators in its schools

The South Delhi Municipal Corporation has been penalized by the Delhi High Court as the civic body failed to send the requisition for teachers to fill the 1100 vacant posts of special educators in its schools. The court has imposed a fine of Rs. 25,000 on the body.... Read More

Structuring Preschool Curriculum - Waldorf and Pikler Preschool Education

There has been considerable research and studies done on the pedagogical methods and early education but few have been as successful and applied as the Waldorf and Pikler approaches when it comes to preschools. The Waldorf Education that is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner has b... Read More

Khan Academy, Digitizing education and broadening horizons of schooling

The founder Salman khan also known as Sal Khan has produced around 6,500 video tutorials which basically covers all subjects mainly focussing on maths and science. A well- educated man who has three degrees from MIT and MBA from Harvard. The Khan Lab School is also founded by him which is a brick-an... Read More

Virtual Reality and its Pedagogical Applications

Virtual Reality has found renewed interest and new avenues of applications in education in recent years. The technology that drives Virtual Reality and its experience has also evolved and become more sophisticated. The interfaces have become more user-friendly, portable, and even less expensive. All... Read More

Learning outcome-centered MHRD’s Road Map for the new academic session 2020-21 released for NCERT

NCERT has been given a learning outcome oriented road map for the next academic year by the MHRD. The curriculum design, as per the directions of the ministry, has to be completed by the NCERT by October 2020 for classes 1 to 5 while the training of teachers for classes 6 to 12 has to be completed... Read More

Omission of Early Childhood education in NEP draft draws criticism

The draft National Education Policy begins by stating the facts regarding cognitive development that it starts much before the child sets foot inside a school. It reads “the learning process for a child commences immediately at birth.” The statement is true as it is known that the groundwork for sch... Read More

Delhi schools’ happiness classes are busters of stress

Delhi schools have apparently find the way to dispel stress in children with the aid of what are aptly called Happiness Class. The anatomy of a typical happiness class contain simple playful exercises including rubbing of hands and putting them on the eyes to relax, motivational talks and meditation... Read More

Chandigarh And Punjab Top Performers In School Education: PGI Report 2021-22

Chandigarh and Punjab emerged as the top performers in school education across indicators such as learning outcomes, equity and infrastructure as per the Union Ministry of Education’s Performance Grade Index for the year 2021-22.... Read More

Mindspark—Maths and English Education Vitalized

Often, students are get accustomed to dislike English and Maths due to their confusing grammar lessons and tricky problems respectively. The traditional method of learning has made it complicated for most students to develop an interest in these subjects. However, in the contemporary times, it looks... Read More

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