Search Results For : School-Developer

The HRD Ministry reports 7% Of Classrooms in Indian Schools as Critically Dilapidated

No less than 7 % of classrooms in Indian schools are calling for urgent restoration. Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE), 2016-17 Provisional report puts the percentage of schools with desperately dilapidated infrastructure at 0.67%.... Read More

All About School Renovation

The idea of renovating the schools arises when the learning infrastructure fails in adding the value in a student’s life and then proves an assemblage of old-fashioned apparatuses that simply fail t... Read More

A look at important developments in school education in the decade

As the decade nears its end, we try and look back to find out how these past years have contributed to the evolution of education in the country.... Read More

Groundbreaking State Education Achievement Survey to Cover 11 Million Students

In a landmark move, the inaugural State Education Achievement Survey (SEAS)is set to commence on November 3, promising to be a pivotal moment for the educational landscape.... Read More

Selecting Genuine Montessori Material for Schools

Inanimate objects form an important part of the inventory of the Elementary Schools. They do so for a simple reason that works on a complex mechanism—they boost imagination and the learning to relate to objects. They engage the children better and improve the span of concentration which is naturally... Read More

Evaluating the progress made in the decade in the arena of teacher-development

The said teacher training program was initiated for the training of the teachers who are in-service. The program was initiated in October 2017 by MHRD with the objective to impart training and award Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.).... Read More

Don't Just Open a School, Start a School that is 'Smart'

Typical classrooms inspire a scene with rooms equipped with blackboards, pencils strewn around and stockpiled notebooks. With the advent of education technology, the picture is changing. Now, it is not a “far-fetched” or “futuristic” to picture a school where monitors, computers, laptops, tablets, a... Read More

Delhi schools’ happiness classes are busters of stress

Delhi schools have apparently find the way to dispel stress in children with the aid of what are aptly called Happiness Class. The anatomy of a typical happiness class contain simple playful exercises including rubbing of hands and putting them on the eyes to relax, motivational talks and meditation... Read More

How To Hire A School Principal?

Hiring the right talent for any position is a thorough process. Especially when it comes to hiring a School Principal, it is a crucial process. Many questions and doubts may come to your mind while hiring a School Principal.... Read More

UN Report Indicates Poor learning Outcomes of Children In school

The UN has come up with a report that indicates the sub-par status of educational outcomes in several areas of the world. The study has focused on the learning outcomes of the children who despite going to their respective schools are lagging on various parameters of learning.... Read More

CSR Spending for Improvement of School Education

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contributions has been mandated by Government of India for all companies meeting specified financial thresholds. Certain areas of socioeconomic development have been specified as well, school education being one of them.... Read More

Systematising K- 12 Education with STREAM

In the previous article, we have discussed about STEMeducation i.e. executing the plan of giving more emphasis onScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Indian educational context. Day after day technology is becoming more pervasive that it has become highly important to strengthen the g... Read More

Procedure to Apply for National Bravery Awards

Bravery awards in India is an act of recognition to those children who gear up the strength by displaying immense valour and escape people who are stuck in dangerous situations by risking their own lives. These children distinguish themselves by performing brave deeds which should be an act of selfl... Read More

Procedure for Opening a Primary School

To start a primary school and choosing to offer a premium primary school experience is the perfect beginning for investors trying to venture into School sector. To open a primary school means starting classes up to grade V. The starting may advisably be from preschool level. School promoters usua... Read More

What are Montessori Schools?

Montessori education method places regard towards the child’s individuality at its center and promotes the independence of the child. Montessori schools are numerous as “Montessori” is not a registered trademark and it is possible to set up a school and call it Montessori school even if it doesn’t h... Read More

Maharashtra Schools To Teach Students About Millets

Considering the importance of millets in cognitive as well as physical development of a child and as a part of the International Year of the Millets 2023, Maharashtra schools will be teaching students about different varieties of Millets from August.... Read More

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