Search Results For : School-Address

How Teachers can motivate the Unmotivated Students

While we have dealt with subjects like how the schools deal with ambition, the importance of architecture on learning outcomes and deleterious effects of corporal punishment on children... Read More

COVID-19 likely to have a bearing on the education budget thereby on NEP

The NEP promulgation marks a paradigm shift in education, a prelude of sorts for these shifts has been witnessed in the changes that the schooling system has witnessed in the process of coping with the pandemic imposed constraints. The commentators believe that the upcoming budget will bear heavily ... Read More

Documents Needed While Applying for CBSE Affiliation

All applications shall be submitted online only. Following documents are required to be uploaded while making an application for CBSE affiliation online -... Read More

Early Childhood Education in India and School Readiness Program

All eyes are on the upcoming National Education Policy 2019. Time is ripe and expectations are high. It is natural to expect the NEP to deliver guidelines that transform the education scenario in the country. There are very many subjects that have rightly found voice in the NEP but there are subject... Read More

Top mistakes to avoid while starting a school in India?

The idea of starting a school is noble and at the same time it is a warranted social enterprise. It requires immense commitment and dedication of the school promoter or an educational entrepreneur... Read More

Does change in CBSE bye laws affect affiliated schools?

Over the last week, there has been a volley of questions from the school management of CBSE affiliated schools we helped establish as well as management of upcoming CBSE schools. It is critical to bring clarity about the affects of the change in CBSE bye laws, hence this article.... Read More

Challenges Faced by Newly Set-Up Schools

The education sector in India is constantly expanding due to the high demand fuelled by the country’s increasing population. Education is the core need for our children to acquire knowledge and become responsible citizens in the future. Through various initiatives, the government has made education ... Read More

All About Renting Out / Leasing Out A School Property

It is evident that real estate is one of the major sources of income and investment in India. But, is the real estate sector confined only to buying and selling properties? Definitely not. There are some other aspects to it too and two of them are renting out and leasing out.... Read More

Why do we need Counselors in Schools

India, the world’s 2nd most populous nation of 1 billion+ and has one of the highest suicide rates under the age group of 15 to 29. In our country, it’s very common to see the school students living under the state of stress or anxiety and peer pressure and by the folks living in surrounding who ... Read More

Major changes in CBSE Bye-Laws come into effect

In a major development, a statement by the ministry of human resource and development (MHRD) has been issued stating that the CBSE affiliation process will imminently undergo substantive change. The news was expected as the governing body of the CBSE had submitted its recommendations about reform... Read More

How to select a curriculum solution or academic program for your school?

New School Curriculums are being introduced and the existing ones are being updated at a rate that the entire scenario of school education has truly become dynamic. To keep pace with the changing time... Read More

Comparing IBDP and Cambridge A LEVEL

The international education programs which generate tremendous curiosity among the students and parents are run by the International Baccalaureate Organization and Cambridge International. We have add... Read More

Need Help in Choosing Undergraduate Course / Streams Most Suited for You?

School education is evolving in tandem with the diversifying higher education and spawning industries and broadening career options, some conventional and some not very much so. There have been steady and studied developments in the curriculums and pedagogy but then there are also abrupt modificatio... Read More

How is India beating gender inequality through girls’ education

With gender equality being considered as a sine qua non for attainment of the development goals, the urgency attached to the question of girls’ education in India and across the world is gaining importance. Gender roles have substantially shifted but it can hardly be contested that opportunities for... Read More

Hows and Whys of the National Educational Policy 2020

Education in India is aimed at improving the socio-economic framework which delineates a community with diverse demands. The government has chiefly concentrated its efforts on improving the literacy rate of India since independence by introducing free and compulsory education from six to fourteen ye... Read More

Project Based Learning, Connecting Real Life with Theory

Education is a way to upgrade ourselves about various information that is available and develop skills and techniques to revolutionize the working of a society or a community. We provide education to children not only to get into good grade category but become a useful member who bring about a minus... Read More

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