Search Results For : School--

School Principal Salaries In India

Any person who thinks of his or her school days remembers his or her teachers rather than the lessons or learning methods. A teacher is considered the heart and soul of the educational system... Read More

Boost your real estate venture by starting a school

The real estate sector has a central role in planning and provisioning the necessary land, infrastructure for residential and commercial purposes. People face a host of challenges on their journey to start a school, the paucity of land being the biggest.... Read More

Is Coaching Different From Mentoring ?

Almost more than half of the teachers have been mentored at some point in their lives. Either when we were hired as a teacher, or when we were a new student in the class. Not many of us can say... Read More

PISA, A Programme Exclusively to Measure Cognitive Thinking in 15 year olds

Education has not only gained elevated standards in contemporary times but also has nuanced dimensions. Evidently, students as well as teachers are occupied in the process to make a shift from the traditional mode of learning.... Read More

Schools must aim at developing 21st Century Skills

Century, the era of advanced digitalization where almost every single business, project, education has come on internet. This is the time where internet proved as the game changer and gave a boost to the technology.... Read More

K-12 School Education Scenario in Rural India

Education in rural India has always been a great subject of discussion and we like bringing it into the light such that we eliminate the problems around us and make this society a better place for learners.... Read More

How is India beating gender inequality through girls’ education

With gender equality being considered as a sine qua non for attainment of the development goals, the urgency attached to the question of girls’ education in India and across the world is gaining importance. Gender roles have substantially shifted but it can hardly be contested that opportunities for... Read More

The New CBSE School Affiliation System, School Affiliation Re-Engineered Automation System (SARAS) - an Overview

The national board has come up with a new and improved mechanism for streamlining the entire process of affiliation which is purportedly designed to enhance the ease of doing business with the board. It is obvious that such an intervention was required and needed. There was a feeling among the schoo... Read More

India’s First National Assessment Regulator - PARAKH

India's first national assessment regulator PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development), is tasked to work on establishing standards and guidelines for student assessment and evaluation. This will be applicable to all recognized school boards in the cou... Read More

Hows and Whys of the National Educational Policy 2020

Education in India is aimed at improving the socio-economic framework which delineates a community with diverse demands. The government has chiefly concentrated its efforts on improving the literacy rate of India since independence by introducing free and compulsory education from six to fourteen ye... Read More

6 Points To Consider While Selling Or Buying An Operational School

Real estate gave way to the concept of buying lands or properties which are already operational. This trend is evident in the buying and selling of school properties. And hence, the potential buyers opt to procure operational schools or lands for running schools.... Read More

How Rational are the CBSE Bye-Laws 2018?

The curriculum that is deemed to be suitable for an entire nation with differences in language, social mores and culture like no other in the world is a phenomenal entity and Central Board of Secondary Education has been endowed with such recognition giving it its tremendous credibility.... Read More

Role of vocational education in K-12 schools

Vocational education implies skill-based education that prepares individuals to hone themselves as a technician or in multiple numbers of jobs like a trade or a craft or any creative work activity.... Read More

Teacher Training and Learning Outcomes

There has been a lot of deliberation over the level of qualification and skills of teachers teaching across schools in India. Teacher training policies have been reviewed and commissions appointed to study and report on the scenario.... Read More

How To Efficiently Manage A School ?

The term management is defined as the capacity to translate vision into reality, by means of planning, organising, leading and controlling. A school is an association of different types of people coming from varied backgrounds.... Read More

Challenges of Integrating Education Technology in Rural Areas

The technology is yet to set its footprints in many schools of interior parts of the country for students to attain digital literacy. This time seems to be crucial for everyone to create a pro-digital mindset as the time demands to gain virtual wisdom especially for students staying in the interior ... Read More

Learning outcome-centered MHRD’s Road Map for the new academic session 2020-21 released for NCERT

NCERT has been given a learning outcome oriented road map for the next academic year by the MHRD. The curriculum design, as per the directions of the ministry, has to be completed by the NCERT by October 2020 for classes 1 to 5 while the training of teachers for classes 6 to 12 has to be completed... Read More

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