Search Results For : In-School

Karnataka Government Plans to Introduce English-Medium Instruction in State Schools

In a recent announcement, Karnataka School Education Minister Madhu Bangarappa unveiled the government's ambitious plan to expand English-medium instruction in state-run schools. This move comes in response to a noticeable trend of children leaving government schools due to the lack of English-mediu... Read More

Sports and Health Period Made Mandatory by CBSE Board From 2018-19

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), in a bid to mainstream health and physical education in schools, has intervened elevating sports from a neglected extra-curricular activity level to a curricular standard.  Health and Physical Education (HPE), as the new subject is named is to be made a d... Read More

A Guide for Parents to Help Children with Remote Learning

The closure of schools worldwide due to coronavirus has drawn scholars and pupils to get involved in the virtual education. Times are difficult and we need to adjust with the new mechanism. As the students are reckless, parents need to increase their level of patience while students are at home. The... Read More

Digital Citizenship - Teaching Children to Use Internet Responsibly

The scenario that is being witnessed today is that educators are by all means driven towards tech-oriented devices to facilitate learning by giving a contemporary look. The authorities are at the cusp of digitally-driven learning by using devices to attain advanced curricular goals and to habituate ... Read More

Influence of pandemic on the education of school students, and steps to overcome the same

Over a year and a half into a pandemic that has caused over 4 million fatalities globally, seemingly India is set to witness the rise of its third wave. Even so, schools are looking into reopening for yet another time, thereby underlining education as an essential requirement.... Read More

Strategies to Consider for CSR in School Education

If you are thinking to commit CSR funds for improvement of a school and want to go beyond upgrading the infrastructure and add value to the educational ecosystem it is very essential to understand in detail how those who have secured such educational systems in the world actually did it.... Read More

Starting a Preschool / Playschool Anywhere in India?

To start a preschool in India the promoters must have necessary statutory permissions. There is no union law with regard to initiating of a preschool but in certain states, preschools come under the purview of state private school education acts. Other laws such as Right to Education act apply to th... Read More

How the schools can make parent's critique positive

No school provides “bad education or good education”, I personally believe every school starts with an intent to provide quality education. The philosophy, methodology, and infrastructure may vary with the founder’s vision.... Read More

Use Eco-friendly School Supplies to Conserve Nature

Few things burden our collective consciousness as does the environmental crisis, at least the volume of discourse on the subject suggests that. Climate change scarcely seem fictitious now even to the most wishful of minds. The consumer economy has bitten hard on the environmental resources and the d... Read More

Early Childhood Education in India and School Readiness Program

All eyes are on the upcoming National Education Policy 2019. Time is ripe and expectations are high. It is natural to expect the NEP to deliver guidelines that transform the education scenario in the country. There are very many subjects that have rightly found voice in the NEP but there are subject... Read More

Mindspark—Maths and English Education Vitalized

Often, students are get accustomed to dislike English and Maths due to their confusing grammar lessons and tricky problems respectively. The traditional method of learning has made it complicated for most students to develop an interest in these subjects. However, in the contemporary times, it looks... Read More

Project Based Learning, Connecting Real Life with Theory

Education is a way to upgrade ourselves about various information that is available and develop skills and techniques to revolutionize the working of a society or a community. We provide education to children not only to get into good grade category but become a useful member who bring about a minus... Read More

Challenges Faced By Schools In Educating Children : A Critical Analysis

Identifying the most pressing challenges in the school sector in educating children, is a simple first step toward fixing them. Here, through this write up we have tried to highlight a few such challenges and their solutions.... Read More

Re-opening of Schools-Learnings from the world

It is remarkable how the schools in India, K-12 educators and administrators have switched to remote learning practices amid Covid-19 induced lockdown. As the time goes by, the educators and administrators are redirecting their attention from providing high-quality online education to reopening the ... Read More

How NEP 2020 supplements RTE 2009?

The demographic dividend is realizable only if the young population is adequately educated and made adept in 21st century skills. The average age of Indians is 25-30 years and that is a good sign only if education systems are robust.... Read More

Where To Find A School Principal?

Even though teachers have a crucial role in influencing children's behavior, the Principal is considered much more in accomplishing the role of influence in a school.... Read More

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Style

Learning and the cognitive process that underlay it constitute an important area of study in the discipline of psychology. We tend not to give usually give thought to how content or resources are converted into knowledge. The obvious answer is that we research, observe, analyse and interpret and thr... Read More

Mumbai sees protests against school fee hike, ban on online classes

Mumbai saw a spate of protests by parent groups on the issues of fee hike by a prominent school chain-- with six schools in Mumbai alone-- and the ban on online classes for primary and preschool children.... Read More

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