Search Results For : School-Timings

Virtual Reality and its Pedagogical Applications

Virtual Reality has found renewed interest and new avenues of applications in education in recent years. The technology that drives Virtual Reality and its experience has also evolved and become more sophisticated. The interfaces have become more user-friendly, portable, and even less expensive. All... Read More

Whole Brain Teaching—Pedagogy to command total attention in the class

The common thread that runs across the educational philosophies and pedagogical techniques is the inherent idea that efficacy of the pedagogical technique should be judged by the magnitude of students’ receptiveness towards the material transmitted through the given technique.... Read More

Corporal Punishment in Schools and teacher culture

While going through Right to Education act one comes across a relatively less talked about the provision which is corporal punishment. I have tried to share information and insights on the subject in this article based not only on what the act itself states but also how it is perceived and to what e... Read More

India’s Education Market Prospects for Foreign Investors

India is a nation of nations, its population is as diverse as it is humungous. Just by the virtue of being hugely populated, it is an enormous market. The nation’s demographics presents itself as a ripe opportunity for many sectors with as much as 50 percent of the population below 25. It is esp... Read More

Anantha Lakshmi International School - A welcome addition to the educational scene of Anantapur

The southern part of India is relatively known for giving more emphasis on education which has exposed them to various learning avenues and they also have earned good reputation in terms of literacy. The state Andhra Pradesh constitutes a literacy rate of over 72% which makes it one of the most lite... Read More

Five Secrets to Land Your Dream Teaching Job

Many a time someone else gets the job you have been looking for. There are a set of people who get their dream jobs easily but not because they are more talented than you, rather they stand out due to their innovative approach. Nowadays, landing a teachers' job is not as easy as it was in the past, ... Read More

The Three Language Policy—Antecedents and contemporary perspectives

The states in India were reorganized on linguistic basis. Education, it was realized has to have an element of uniformity for the idea of the Union of States to work, hence the national education boards. The states originally had, and continue to have a say in deciding the education policy.... Read More

Solo Taxonomy, An Approach to Understand Different Levels of Students’ Understanding

However, in 1982 Biggs and Collis came up with Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes or SOLO Taxonomy which is an alternative to Bloom’s version. Bloom described about the level of cognitive skills like from remembering to analyzing and evaluating. The SOLO taxonomy implies how the learning model ... Read More

Redefining the Structure of Education due to COVID-19

A minuscule virus that has paused the lives of men worldwide has definitely altered the traditional way of education. The coronavirus has brought a shift in the millions of students getting educated from face-to-face lectures to online education. It seems that the new solutions for education coul... Read More

Amid Protests, clause of compulsory Hindi dropped from NEP

The clause recommending mandatory Hindi teaching in schools, as expected, did not sit well with people in many states, most notably, Tamilnadu. Amid, intense backlash that the union government faced following the declaration, the clause was dropped from the National Education Policy.... Read More

Things To Do For a Cordial Class Environment

The 1950s marks the period when two psychologists Jacob Kounin and Paul Gump had a eureka moment after observing closely about the psychological changes that happen among children due to the strict nature of teachers. They are of the opinion that if a child disobeys and if the teacher adopts techniq... Read More

Interdisciplinary Approach and the Contemporary Education

While we emphasize the importance and primacy of learning outcomes in the entire exercise of the establishment of schools, we try to keep school promoters, students and parents abreast of different approaches... Read More

Starting a Preschool / Playschool Anywhere in India?

To start a preschool in India the promoters must have necessary statutory permissions. There is no union law with regard to initiating of a preschool but in certain states, preschools come under the purview of state private school education acts. Other laws such as Right to Education act apply to th... Read More

Deciphering the IB Diploma Program

The international education programs which generate tremendous curiosity among the students and parents are run by the International Baccalaureate Organization and Cambridge International. We have add... Read More

What is STEM EDUCATION in Indian School Scenario?

The cultural shift modern technology has brought about is evident from the developments taking place in every field of human thought and endeavor. To sustain the culture that is reliant on technology, a tilt of education towards technology is necessary so much so that at times, it will seem to borde... Read More

Schools must aim at developing 21st Century Skills

Century, the era of advanced digitalization where almost every single business, project, education has come on internet. This is the time where internet proved as the game changer and gave a boost to the technology.... Read More

How is India beating gender inequality through girls’ education

With gender equality being considered as a sine qua non for attainment of the development goals, the urgency attached to the question of girls’ education in India and across the world is gaining importance. Gender roles have substantially shifted but it can hardly be contested that opportunities for... Read More

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