Search Results For : School/

To Integrate Skilling into School Curriculum, India will Partner with Singapore

In discussions between India and Singapore to be held in the upcoming series of events leading up to the G20 education working group meeting in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, between April 22 and 27, central government officials said that the two nations are planning to collaborate to examine opportunities fo... Read More

CSR Spending for Improvement of School Education

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) contributions has been mandated by Government of India for all companies meeting specified financial thresholds. Certain areas of socioeconomic development have been specified as well, school education being one of them.... Read More

Use of CSR Budget to Improve Early Childhood Education in India

Educationists opine that elementary education plays a vital role in charting the development of an individual. Through preschools, children get exposure to the world around and develop an affinity for learning. Social statistics demonstrate that children who had the opportunity to complete elementar... Read More

Absolute Don’ts of a Teacher Job

A teacher’s job is also not a trivial engagement. Sometimes, and I think everyone would agree with that, we all have bad days - even teachers. But having a bad day as a teacher and being a bad teacher have fundamental differences. Some points to be noted as drawbacks are... Read More

What 21st Century School Architecture demands

We have expounded on the research works that correlate the school architecture with pedagogy and learning outcomes in our previous article. In this article, I wish to provide more insights into the... Read More

Use Eco-friendly School Supplies to Conserve Nature

Few things burden our collective consciousness as does the environmental crisis, at least the volume of discourse on the subject suggests that. Climate change scarcely seem fictitious now even to the most wishful of minds. The consumer economy has bitten hard on the environmental resources and the d... Read More

Augmented Reality— the leap in education technology

We have written about education technology and its application in the classroom setting and the integral role it has in turning a conventional classroom into a smart classroom. If one were to inquire about the foremost rationale of the extensive application of the education technology, the apt answe... Read More

System to Preempt Child Abuse

We have written about corporal punishment earlier, in this article we are dealing with the critical socio-cultural issue of child abuse. The vulnerability of children en –route to school, in school hours and while commuting back to home has been painfully made evident to us by incidents of child vic... Read More

What is STEM EDUCATION in Indian School Scenario?

The cultural shift modern technology has brought about is evident from the developments taking place in every field of human thought and endeavor. To sustain the culture that is reliant on technology, a tilt of education towards technology is necessary so much so that at times, it will seem to borde... Read More

Things To Do For a Cordial Class Environment

The 1950s marks the period when two psychologists Jacob Kounin and Paul Gump had a eureka moment after observing closely about the psychological changes that happen among children due to the strict nature of teachers. They are of the opinion that if a child disobeys and if the teacher adopts techniq... Read More

Games-Centric Pedagogy

The gamification is an educational process to motivate students to learn through video games or other game elements in a classroom scenario. It is a new rendering of learning where the major motive is to engage maximum learners and drive them towards knowledge by adding an element of fun to it. In t... Read More

11 Ways to Achieve Efficient Collaborative Learning Environment

There are numerous studies that point out to the fact that the environments built on collaborative learning accomplish better learning outcomes and the information that is attained in collaborative sessions is retained for a longer time. This is attributable to the fact that people learn better w... Read More

Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning—learning outside classrooms

We know how technology has created a revolution in education. it has not only simplified the process of learning but has also given way for students to get hold of different kinds of learning. The online or digital experience has grown in popularity and accessibility; it can broadly be divided into ... Read More

Comprehending Learning Disability - how India deals with it?

Embracing differences is what idealists believe should be the motto of life. We all are uniquely wired with a different set of strengths and flaws which make us stand apart and define our existence. However, children are often seen to be reluctant to adapt to individual changes majorly due to societ... Read More

Evaluating the progress made in the decade in the arena of teacher-development

The said teacher training program was initiated for the training of the teachers who are in-service. The program was initiated in October 2017 by MHRD with the objective to impart training and award Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.).... Read More

NEP 2020: A look at the Changes in the Offing

The progressive education scene is abuzz with 21st century skills including critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration and the relevance of combining theory with the application is becoming increasingly clear. The demand of the 21st-century industry calls for a dynamic education that produces ... Read More

The post COVID School Education — what to expect and how to navigate the changes?

As far the crippling effects of the pandemic on an industrial sector goes, the private school sector of India composed of half a million private schools, offer a veritable case study.... Read More

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