Search Results For : Vinod-Kakumanu

Whither the role of academicians in starting a school?

India is witnessing an increasing trend in the number of new schools. Starting a new school in India and providing quality education involves meticulous planning and unconditional commitment of the promoter.... Read More

Delhi High Court Fines SDMC as the organization fails to requisition special educators in its schools

The South Delhi Municipal Corporation has been penalized by the Delhi High Court as the civic body failed to send the requisition for teachers to fill the 1100 vacant posts of special educators in its schools. The court has imposed a fine of Rs. 25,000 on the body.... Read More

NCERT and Tech Avant-Garde Sign Agreement to Strengthen Digital Transformation Skills in School Education

An agreement has been signed between NCERT (National Council of Educational Research & Training) and Tech Avant-Garde (Microsoft’s Global Training Partner) to join forces in augmenting digital skills of all concerned in school education, in order to promote a Connected Learning Community (CLC).... Read More

India’s First National Assessment Regulator - PARAKH

India's first national assessment regulator PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development), is tasked to work on establishing standards and guidelines for student assessment and evaluation. This will be applicable to all recognized school boards in the cou... Read More

Teacher Training and Learning Outcomes

There has been a lot of deliberation over the level of qualification and skills of teachers teaching across schools in India. Teacher training policies have been reviewed and commissions appointed to study and report on the scenario.... Read More

Deciphering the IB Diploma Program

The international education programs which generate tremendous curiosity among the students and parents are run by the International Baccalaureate Organization and Cambridge International. We have add... Read More

Robotic Education in Schools

We are moving towards an era when man- made machines are overpowering the lives of men.Several movies on robots were made depicting scenarios where equipment made by a man becomes a reason for his downfall. It is ironic that men get immersed in technology and create things to put it into his service... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

For Starting an International Baccalaureate® (IB) school in India the school has to launch any of the four IB educational programs by an established school. The school must have the necessary permissions to start a school in the respective state, we talked about the procedure to open a school in our... Read More

Procedure to Apply for National Bravery Awards

Bravery awards in India is an act of recognition to those children who gear up the strength by displaying immense valour and escape people who are stuck in dangerous situations by risking their own lives. These children distinguish themselves by performing brave deeds which should be an act of selfl... Read More

Lockdown and school studies, ways to continue studies during lockdown, online educational resources during lockdown

Education is the only sector that has been dynamic and undergoing a transformation for the past many years. The educationists are involved in inventions and creations of pedagogical devices that match up to the standards of global education of the 21st century. The stakeholders including teachers, s... Read More

Challenges of Integrating Education Technology in Rural Areas

The technology is yet to set its footprints in many schools of interior parts of the country for students to attain digital literacy. This time seems to be crucial for everyone to create a pro-digital mindset as the time demands to gain virtual wisdom especially for students staying in the interior ... Read More

How Audio Visual (AV) learning can change the future trends of education?

The classrooms of today are equipped with numerous Audio Visual (AV) aids but they were best used when teachers and students share the physical space at the time of teaching-learning.... Read More

5 education trends to watch in 2020

The surveys have reflected that the current pace at which the students are acquiring 21st century skills will not suffice and amends have to be made in our approaches towards educating.... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Living in OC or every coastal city adjacent to the ocean provides plenty of perks, nonetheless it also poses unique challenges. One particular challenge involves the potential damage due to moisture and humidity to the drywall within our homes. In this blog article, we will delve into the significan... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Living in OC or every coastal city adjacent to the ocean provides plenty of perks, nonetheless it also poses unique challenges. One particular challenge involves the potential damage due to moisture and humidity to the drywall within our homes. In this blog article, we will delve into the significan... Read More

Why is Teacher Training a Must?

Living in OC or every coastal city adjacent to the ocean provides plenty of perks, nonetheless it also poses unique challenges. One particular challenge involves the potential damage due to moisture and humidity to the drywall within our homes. In this blog article, we will delve into the significan... Read More

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