Search Results For : School

Importance of Planning While Starting a New School

Education is one of the basic requirements for the growth and prosperity of any society. With the growth in population, the need for new schools is ever-growing and provides immense opportunities for people interested to undertake the responsibility of becoming school owners or school promotors. To ... Read More

Incorporating Education Technology in Schools

In the 21st century, the way of learning and getting educated has radically changed. Education is no more solely dependent on chalk and talk, books and paper assignments.... Read More

Start an innovative CBSE School?

The term “innovative schools” is doing rounds ever since the new CBSE bye laws are announced. The new CBSE regulation simplifies the process of starting a CBSE school and implementing alternative educational methodologies in India by granting the composite affiliation to innovative schools.... Read More

NEP 2020: Ideas on the Ideal Age to Begin Formal Education

The National Education Policy has made many radical departures from how the schooling has come to be perceived in India. One of the major changes that the NEP proposes is to integrate the early childhood schooling into the primary schooling system i.e. preschooling will become a formal part of the s... Read More

How COVID-19 can change the traditional classroom system?

A big wave of educational shift has hit most of the countries with the arrival of COVID -19 turning all classrooms into digital rooms. Since the lockdown, all students have turned into a virtual world to seek learning without losing the flow of studies. The preferred educational trend during this ph... Read More

A look at important developments in school education in the decade

As the decade nears its end, we try and look back to find out how these past years have contributed to the evolution of education in the country.... Read More

Top 10 Criteria for Selecting a School for your Child

We have, in one of our earlier articles, shared the insight on the parents’ viewpoints while selecting a school for their children. In this article, I am conversing with the parents, sharing information that will help them in considerably narrowing their search for a perfect school.... Read More

Open an International School in India

International education programs are gaining ground in Indian education scenario, inevitably the number of promoters opting to start an International School in India is on the rise. Besides distinct planning, the following four aspects must be prioritized while deliberating to open an international ... Read More

Policies to Enhance Quality in Government Sector

In a country, education is the foremost and dominant sector which needs proper emphasis for the growth of the nation. The government both central and state plays a significant role in looking after the quality of education which is being provided in all the educational institutions.... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Howdy to every single one of our aquatic tranquility devotees! There's nothing quite like plunging into a hot spa after a stressful day. For people in search of the absolute serenity experience, a hot tub is really unparalleled. Multiplicity is indeed the essence of living, and we wholehea... Read More

How to Start an IB School Anywhere In India?

Reasons to Choose a Mechanical Mod Mechanical vape mods provide a unique kind of e-cigarette experience. Discover about their advantages and reasons why some e-cigarette users prefer them. Unlike controlled mods, mechanical vape mods have no electronic components or protections, delivering a di... Read More

How Audio Visual (AV) learning can change the future trends of education?

The classrooms of today are equipped with numerous Audio Visual (AV) aids but they were best used when teachers and students share the physical space at the time of teaching-learning.... Read More

How are parents selecting a school for their child?

It is hard to find a prototype of a perfect school in India. There are a host of factors that affect the efficiency and desirability of a school. Within the country, schools teaching the same curriculum... Read More

Redefining the Structure of Education due to COVID-19

A minuscule virus that has paused the lives of men worldwide has definitely altered the traditional way of education. The coronavirus has brought a shift in the millions of students getting educated from face-to-face lectures to online education. It seems that the new solutions for education coul... Read More

Boost your real estate venture by starting a school

The real estate sector has a central role in planning and provisioning the necessary land, infrastructure for residential and commercial purposes. People face a host of challenges on their journey to start a school, the paucity of land being the biggest.... Read More

How to Start a CBSE School Anywhere in India?

There could have hardly been a better time to start/open a CBSE school in India and get CBSE affiliation. We say so because we are witnessing a change of orientation of the board – the 2018 reforms in CBSE Affiliation Bye-Laws, which are by all accounts progressive. The curtailment of paperwork, cre... Read More

Challenges Faced by Newly Set-Up Schools

The education sector in India is constantly expanding due to the high demand fuelled by the country’s increasing population. Education is the core need for our children to acquire knowledge and become responsible citizens in the future. Through various initiatives, the government has made education ... Read More

Comparing IB and IGCSE

International Baccalaureate® (IB) and International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) are the two International school education programs. IGCSE is also an examination conducting body. The IGCSE is controlled by a department of the University of Cambridge and IB is an education fou... Read More

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