Search Results For : Services-In-A-School

NCERT and Tech Avant-Garde Sign Agreement to Strengthen Digital Transformation Skills in School Education

An agreement has been signed between NCERT (National Council of Educational Research & Training) and Tech Avant-Garde (Microsoft’s Global Training Partner) to join forces in augmenting digital skills of all concerned in school education, in order to promote a Connected Learning Community (CLC).... Read More

Delhi High Court Fines SDMC as the organization fails to requisition special educators in its schools

The South Delhi Municipal Corporation has been penalized by the Delhi High Court as the civic body failed to send the requisition for teachers to fill the 1100 vacant posts of special educators in its schools. The court has imposed a fine of Rs. 25,000 on the body.... Read More

India’s First National Assessment Regulator - PARAKH

India's first national assessment regulator PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development), is tasked to work on establishing standards and guidelines for student assessment and evaluation. This will be applicable to all recognized school boards in the cou... Read More

Why Schools Need a School Management Software?

The network of schools is expanding and indeed it should. The quality of education is directly linked to the efficiency of the school management hence it must not be hard to understand that the students, parents and teachers are also the stakeholders in the process of school management.... Read More

How To Make A School Stand Out From The Rest?

The education sector has now become one of the most resorted businesses. So to thrive in this highly competitive field, school management has to take hard efforts that ensure their likely success in the long run.... Read More

Robotic Education in Schools

We are moving towards an era when man- made machines are overpowering the lives of men.Several movies on robots were made depicting scenarios where equipment made by a man becomes a reason for his downfall. It is ironic that men get immersed in technology and create things to put it into his service... Read More

Starting a School in Remote Areas – A Case Study

The STs have largely occupied remote areas of the country which remains a crucial challenge for its development. The distinctiveness that these people bring in is their lifestyle which makes them unique from the mainstream section. As per the 2011 census, the population of these communities was abou... Read More

Lockdown and school studies, ways to continue studies during lockdown, online educational resources during lockdown

Education is the only sector that has been dynamic and undergoing a transformation for the past many years. The educationists are involved in inventions and creations of pedagogical devices that match up to the standards of global education of the 21st century. The stakeholders including teachers, s... Read More

Challenges of Integrating Education Technology in Rural Areas

The technology is yet to set its footprints in many schools of interior parts of the country for students to attain digital literacy. This time seems to be crucial for everyone to create a pro-digital mindset as the time demands to gain virtual wisdom especially for students staying in the interior ... Read More

Impact of School Architecture on Pedagogy

The school architecture is becoming more and more crucial in bringing learning experiences to classrooms in-line with the evolving curricula. It is not just about the classrooms, there is an undeniable need to attend the external context and landscape design as well. With such trends coming to the f... Read More

Deciphering the IB Diploma Program

The international education programs which generate tremendous curiosity among the students and parents are run by the International Baccalaureate Organization and Cambridge International. We have add... Read More

How important is the master plan for your school?

The smart and deserving master plan of a school not only maximizes the possibilities of achieving the desired learning outcomes but also helps in analyzing the future happenings within the periphery o... Read More

Comparing CBSE and ICSE Boards

Which board of education to choose? That is a question that occurs to every parent who happens to have a choice. Now as the nation is developing the numbers of parents with such choice is bound to grow. There are various opinions that end up shaping the choice of the parents with regard to the educa... Read More

How To Efficiently Manage A School ?

The term management is defined as the capacity to translate vision into reality, by means of planning, organising, leading and controlling. A school is an association of different types of people coming from varied backgrounds.... Read More

How Audio Visual (AV) learning can change the future trends of education?

The classrooms of today are equipped with numerous Audio Visual (AV) aids but they were best used when teachers and students share the physical space at the time of teaching-learning.... Read More

Early Childhood Education in India and School Readiness Program

All eyes are on the upcoming National Education Policy 2019. Time is ripe and expectations are high. It is natural to expect the NEP to deliver guidelines that transform the education scenario in the country. There are very many subjects that have rightly found voice in the NEP but there are subject... Read More

How to Increase School Admissions ?

Many school promoters are finding it difficult to enroll required number of students. This is in fact, one of the biggest challenge school promoters are experiencing when they launch a new school or trying to sustain an established school. Creating the best infrastructure, putting up hoardings and h... Read More

Points To consider Before Leasing An Operational School

The right to use of a property is as important as its ownership .... Read More

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