Search Results For : School-

Best Selling Montessori Education aid

Our recordings make evident that certain school supplies are acutely rising in demand on India’s Leading Hyper Local Market exclusively for schools and the trend is sustained. We genuinely aim at being a helping hand to the school leaders by facilitating high-quality products directly to schools.... Read More

Systematising K- 12 Education with STREAM

In the previous article, we have discussed about STEMeducation i.e. executing the plan of giving more emphasis onScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Indian educational context. Day after day technology is becoming more pervasive that it has become highly important to strengthen the g... Read More

Procedure to Apply for National Bravery Awards

Bravery awards in India is an act of recognition to those children who gear up the strength by displaying immense valour and escape people who are stuck in dangerous situations by risking their own lives. These children distinguish themselves by performing brave deeds which should be an act of selfl... Read More

Podcasting- Reconnecting Lecture and Learning

Basically, podcasting is an episodic series of audio or video files which can be downloaded from the internet in order to listen. This type of media file can be downloaded into computer, tablets or portable media player.... Read More

Khan Academy, Digitizing education and broadening horizons of schooling

The founder Salman khan also known as Sal Khan has produced around 6,500 video tutorials which basically covers all subjects mainly focussing on maths and science. A well- educated man who has three degrees from MIT and MBA from Harvard. The Khan Lab School is also founded by him which is a brick-an... Read More

Solo Taxonomy, An Approach to Understand Different Levels of Students’ Understanding

However, in 1982 Biggs and Collis came up with Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes or SOLO Taxonomy which is an alternative to Bloom’s version. Bloom described about the level of cognitive skills like from remembering to analyzing and evaluating. The SOLO taxonomy implies how the learning model ... Read More

Understanding by Design, A Mission Towards Deriving Student Learning Outcome

Understanding by Design is an educational approach that has introduced Backwards Design which focuses mainly on designing curriculum keeping in mind the desired learning outcomes of students.... Read More

Lockdown and school studies, ways to continue studies during lockdown, online educational resources during lockdown

Education is the only sector that has been dynamic and undergoing a transformation for the past many years. The educationists are involved in inventions and creations of pedagogical devices that match up to the standards of global education of the 21st century. The stakeholders including teachers, s... Read More

Covid-19 pandemic and Indian Education System

The pandemic has brought the digital divide in India into the popular consciousness. The schools remain closed for the fifth consecutive month. At the time like this only the schools that were digitally equipped and the parents who were able to secure connectivity with the World Wide Web were able t... Read More

7 Steps to conduct Student Friendly and High-learning Outcome Online Classes

Education has reached a stage where the physical distance is no longer a barrier to teach or learn. With the pandemic minimizing the physical activities of people, many changes have happened over the past few months. All the major educational institutions have changed their methods and strategies to... Read More

How to Enhance Student Participation in a Virtual Setup?

Classrooms incorporate students with distinct characters some are always ready to raise their hand to participate and some are hesitant to come forward and engage in classroom discussions. It’s a complicated process to bring students into conversations that require them to be vocal.... Read More

The Need to Revisit Teacher-Training

The pandemic has brought to light an open secret which is that education has to become compatible with virtual landscapes. The educators have to adapt themselves to the demands of the technology-driven pedagogies and be ready to unlearn, re-learn, and upskill constantly.... Read More

Where To Find A School Principal?

Even though teachers have a crucial role in influencing children's behavior, the Principal is considered much more in accomplishing the role of influence in a school.... Read More

Role Of Social Media In A Teacher’s Professional Development

Teachers are powerful sources of impact and influence in society. Nowadays, there would hardly be anyone who’s not interacting within a digital network for their social interaction.... Read More

Start an innovative CBSE School?

The term “innovative schools” is doing rounds ever since the new CBSE bye laws are announced. The new CBSE regulation simplifies the process of starting a CBSE school and implementing alternative educational methodologies in India by granting the composite affiliation to innovative schools.... Read More

Closing the Engineering College? Why not convert into an International school?

The en-masse closure of engineering colleges in every state of India is indicative of many things including plummeting interest of candidates, diversification of career choices after K-12 schooling... Read More

Emphasize Infrastructure When Opening a School

While deliberating on the construction of the building in the course of opening a new school, one comes across a typical observation, worded differently but essentially meaning the same thing... Read More

How Multiple Intelligences based Curriculums advance classroom learning?

The theory of multiple intelligences as expounded by Dr. Gardner in his pioneering work Frames of Mind has been discussed in our earlier article. If we consider it as established that there are multiple intelligences at play during cognitive exercises like learning... Read More

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