Search Results For : Boarding

Top 10 criteria for selecting land in India to open a school

The very thought of opening a school is immediately followed by the idea of acquiring the suitable land or building to establish the school. Throughout my career as a school consultant, I have advised many educationists select the property for school purpose and continue to do so.... Read More

Why do Schools fail to get admissions?

Efficient school management emphasizes the bonhomie between the management and the employees, most importantly teachers and management. The expedient measures were taken in this direction improve the receptiveness of the employees and increase the training outcomes almost certainly. It improves the ... Read More

Incorporating Education Technology in Schools

In the 21st century, the way of learning and getting educated has radically changed. Education is no more solely dependent on chalk and talk, books and paper assignments.... Read More

Benefits of using GPS Technology in School Buses

With the network of schools widening and the priority attached to education by parents overriding considerations attached to contingencies like distance from the school, making available conveyance facilities have become primary for all school management, bar none. Transportation is a daily commitme... Read More

Issues and Ideals in Partnership in New School Project

There remains a possibility of disagreements and even conflict of interest between partners in a business venture, likewise in a school project where several promoters come together, partners may find themselves at cross-purposes sometimes. In this article we are trying to delve into the nature and ... Read More

A case for Permitting Private School Teachers to Take Up One-on - One Tuitions in the Times of COVID -19

COVID-19 caught one and all unawares. All plan sheets were virtually formatted, and for a while, several industries went comatose. The education sector found itself in the eye of the storm and governments did not lose time in issuing rulings regarding fee-exemption to be effected by the private scho... Read More

Re-opening of Schools-Learnings from the world

It is remarkable how the schools in India, K-12 educators and administrators have switched to remote learning practices amid Covid-19 induced lockdown. As the time goes by, the educators and administrators are redirecting their attention from providing high-quality online education to reopening the ... Read More

Indian Army takes initiative in the interest of education of the children of the state of J&K

Amidst the ever present tension and conflict and undercurrents of mutual suspicion and cynicism, the Indian Army has yet again made its bid to reach out to the community by funding the education of the underprivileged children of the remote areas of the beleaguered valley. Army Commander, Northern C... Read More

Amid Protests, clause of compulsory Hindi dropped from NEP

The clause recommending mandatory Hindi teaching in schools, as expected, did not sit well with people in many states, most notably, Tamilnadu. Amid, intense backlash that the union government faced following the declaration, the clause was dropped from the National Education Policy.... Read More

COVID-19 likely to have a bearing on the education budget thereby on NEP

The NEP promulgation marks a paradigm shift in education, a prelude of sorts for these shifts has been witnessed in the changes that the schooling system has witnessed in the process of coping with the pandemic imposed constraints. The commentators believe that the upcoming budget will bear heavily ... Read More

The Need to Revisit Teacher-Training

The pandemic has brought to light an open secret which is that education has to become compatible with virtual landscapes. The educators have to adapt themselves to the demands of the technology-driven pedagogies and be ready to unlearn, re-learn, and upskill constantly.... Read More

Why do we need Counselors in Schools

India, the world’s 2nd most populous nation of 1 billion+ and has one of the highest suicide rates under the age group of 15 to 29. In our country, it’s very common to see the school students living under the state of stress or anxiety and peer pressure and by the folks living in surrounding who ... Read More

Trust vs Society vs Section 8 Company,Which suits best to school starters?

Trusts, Societies and Section 8 companies are non-proprietary organizations, which means that they are set up to provide service to the community and not with a profit motive. In India, educational institutions are mandatorily established by a Trust or Society or a Section 8 company. This rule obvio... Read More

Engaging E-learning Applications for a Good Change

Technology when utilised efficiently and effectively brings a bagful of opportunities coming of age in any field. In order to keep up with the trends in educational sector we need to keep ourselves open to all the possible outcomes when we step into new avenues. This brings me to the topic which is ... Read More

How to select a curriculum solution or academic program for your school?

New School Curriculums are being introduced and the existing ones are being updated at a rate that the entire scenario of school education has truly become dynamic. To keep pace with the changing time... Read More

Psychological Effects on School Children in the Pursuit of Academic Excellence

School education has witnessed renewed interest amongst parent community in 21st Century. The effort and research invested into designing the curriculum of primary classes reflect that amply. With the redefinition, school education started an undercurrent of psychological change in children. The rea... Read More

Land and Infrastructure needed for CBSE affiliation

Land and infrastructural requirements for a school to attain CBSE affiliation varies with the location of the school, the land requirement for the primary school, secondary and senior secondary CBSE schools are different.... Read More

Wisely Choose School Consultants in India?

This is what school promoters should look for in a school consultancy service organization. They must see if the consultancy is organized i.e. can it provide all the services required to launch a new school through their own dedicated resources?  Can they help conceptualize the school, plan budget, ... Read More

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