Search Results For : Start-A-School

Engaging E-learning Applications for a Good Change

Technology when utilised efficiently and effectively brings a bagful of opportunities coming of age in any field. In order to keep up with the trends in educational sector we need to keep ourselves open to all the possible outcomes when we step into new avenues. This brings me to the topic which is ... Read More

Starting a Preschool / Playschool Anywhere in India?

To start a preschool in India the promoters must have necessary statutory permissions. There is no union law with regard to initiating of a preschool but in certain states, preschools come under the purview of state private school education acts. Other laws such as Right to Education act apply to th... Read More

Comprehending Learning Disability - how India deals with it?

Embracing differences is what idealists believe should be the motto of life. We all are uniquely wired with a different set of strengths and flaws which make us stand apart and define our existence. However, children are often seen to be reluctant to adapt to individual changes majorly due to societ... Read More

How to Enhance Student Participation in a Virtual Setup?

Classrooms incorporate students with distinct characters some are always ready to raise their hand to participate and some are hesitant to come forward and engage in classroom discussions. It’s a complicated process to bring students into conversations that require them to be vocal.... Read More

Education Technology enhances learning outcomes

We have written at some length about the transformation of conventional classrooms into smart learning spaces in our previous article. In the present article we are specifically enlisting the digital devices that are deployed in the classrooms—more aptly called smart classrooms—and giving a descript... Read More

Technological Literacy improves K-12 School Education

The technological literacy is leading the economic market in a way unimagined. Understanding the requirement of practical education, there is a huge need for promoting technical education amongst the younger generation getting admitted in the schools.... Read More

Relevance of Soft Skills in Students

In a progressively diverse and globalized job market, school education, degree/diploma, certifications, skill development, job readiness, and suitable employment have become buzzwords in discourses on education taking place at the global level.... Read More

Five Secrets to Land Your Dream Teaching Job

Many a time someone else gets the job you have been looking for. There are a set of people who get their dream jobs easily but not because they are more talented than you, rather they stand out due to their innovative approach. Nowadays, landing a teachers' job is not as easy as it was in the past, ... Read More

The Three Language Policy—Antecedents and contemporary perspectives

The states in India were reorganized on linguistic basis. Education, it was realized has to have an element of uniformity for the idea of the Union of States to work, hence the national education boards. The states originally had, and continue to have a say in deciding the education policy.... Read More

Khan Academy, Digitizing education and broadening horizons of schooling

The founder Salman khan also known as Sal Khan has produced around 6,500 video tutorials which basically covers all subjects mainly focussing on maths and science. A well- educated man who has three degrees from MIT and MBA from Harvard. The Khan Lab School is also founded by him which is a brick-an... Read More

The Blended Learning Vouge

Learning is a subjective art where everyone has a different approach of imbibing things. There are students who just listen to lectures in the class and learn enough so much so that they open their books one day before the exam and score good grades. On the other hand, there are some children who sp... Read More

India produces teachers in surplus but substandard ones abound

As per the data, India needs 3 lakh new teachers every year, India produces about 19.5 lakh per year. Where lies the anomaly? Apparently, it lies in the substandard teacher training institutes that have mushroomed in the country over the years.... Read More

Parents in Bangalore to set off an avalanche on twitter with 40,000 pro-online classes tweets

The states have imposed the ban on virtual classes in different degrees. While M.P. has banned online classes for the primary and pre-primary classes, Maharashtra has restricted live online classes up to 2nd standard. The permission for prerecorded videos still hangs in the balance.... Read More

Influence of pandemic on the education of school students, and steps to overcome the same

Over a year and a half into a pandemic that has caused over 4 million fatalities globally, seemingly India is set to witness the rise of its third wave. Even so, schools are looking into reopening for yet another time, thereby underlining education as an essential requirement.... Read More

How to select a curriculum solution or academic program for your school?

New School Curriculums are being introduced and the existing ones are being updated at a rate that the entire scenario of school education has truly become dynamic. To keep pace with the changing time... Read More

Emphasise on Emotional Intelligence in School

We’re living in a time where technology is actively influencing human mind. Since decades, the intellectual quotient (IQ) is arguably increasing consistently but from one generation to the next.... Read More

A glimpse into International Baccalaureate® Primary Years Programme (IB PYP)

With the advent of IB  in India school promoters who wanted to try different curriculums have found a way. In our role as curriculum implementation consultants, we have found out that before deciding on IB sometimes the groundwork of understanding and appreciating the course had not been done, as a ... Read More

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