Search Results For : School--

Starting a School in Remote Areas – A Case Study

I am impressed after reading your report on the Ashirwad Global School in Hunasagi, Yadgir. I am part of Agragamee, a non-profit organisation of repute, working in remote tribal districts of Odisha. The problems here are very similar, and as a matter of fact quite a bit worse, than the problems you ... Read More

Our Story

School Serv, an enterprise that has grown to be a leading K-12 School Lifecycle services company is an idea of change brought to life. It embodies an ambition of reimagining education by bringing school services expertise close to educationists. The need for founding an agency that can bridge the ga... Read More

What to look for while buying an Operational School?

The school entrepreneurship in India is more dynamic than it seems. The policy shifts in the education domain sometimes exposes eduprenurs to unforeseen situations , in certain cases the school promoters decide to hand over the school entirely to other management and relinquish ownership. Such schoo... Read More

The post COVID School Education — what to expect and how to navigate the changes?

As far the crippling effects of the pandemic on an industrial sector goes, the private school sector of India composed of half a million private schools, offer a veritable case study.... Read More

Do I have to appoint new Principal and teachers for my school for getting CBSE affiliation?

If you have an adequately qualified serving Principal for your school you need not appoint new Principal.

Appropriately qualified school Principal and teachers for schools aspiring for CBSE, ICSE or international Board Affiliation can be hired through online school jobs portal

... Read More

Types Of School Principals

"To be irreplaceable, one must always be different". Quoting this famous saying, we can say that there is strength in every diversity and it is significant to share the idea of being different. The types or kinds of a particular category mark this difference.... Read More

Starting a School in Remote Areas – A Case Study

The STs have largely occupied remote areas of the country which remains a crucial challenge for its development. The distinctiveness that these people bring in is their lifestyle which makes them unique from the mainstream section. As per the 2011 census, the population of these communities was abou... Read More

What 21st Century School Architecture demands

We have expounded on the research works that correlate the school architecture with pedagogy and learning outcomes in our previous article. In this article, I wish to provide more insights into the... Read More

NITI Aayog Report Highlights Enrollment Disparities in Primary Schools

A recent report by NITI Aayog sheds light on a concerning trend in primary education across several states in India.... Read More

Best Selling Montessori Education aid

Our recordings make evident that certain school supplies are acutely rising in demand on India’s Leading Hyper Local Market exclusively for schools and the trend is sustained. We genuinely aim at being a helping hand to the school leaders by facilitating high-quality products directly to schools.... Read More

NEP declares XI and XII to be integral to Schools and not “Junior Colleges”

The National Education Policy is set to alter certain deeply embedded perceptions we have about our education system. One of such point of views is the one which categorizes class XI and XII as Higher Secondary or Pre-university. It is said that the 10+2 education system, introduced in the National ... Read More

How To Efficiently Manage A School ?

The term management is defined as the capacity to translate vision into reality, by means of planning, organising, leading and controlling. A school is an association of different types of people coming from varied backgrounds.... Read More

Importance of Planning While Starting a New School

Education is one of the basic requirements for the growth and prosperity of any society. With the growth in population, the need for new schools is ever-growing and provides immense opportunities for people interested to undertake the responsibility of becoming school owners or school promotors. To ... Read More

Singapore’s GSF to Invest USD 550 million in India’s Education Sector

Singapore-based and Indian-origin Global Schools Foundation (GSF) announced plans to invest over USD 550 million in India’s school education sector by 2026. GSF already has presence in Bangalore, Pune, Noida and Ahmedabad, and anticipates continued massive growth in demand from families moving acros... Read More

Top 10 Criteria for Selecting a School for your Child

We have, in one of our earlier articles, shared the insight on the parents’ viewpoints while selecting a school for their children. In this article, I am conversing with the parents, sharing information that will help them in considerably narrowing their search for a perfect school.... Read More

Open an International School in India

International education programs are gaining ground in Indian education scenario, inevitably the number of promoters opting to start an International School in India is on the rise. Besides distinct planning, the following four aspects must be prioritized while deliberating to open an international ... Read More

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